During the last decade, desalinated water is produced in Israel in increasing volumes. A Coastal aquifer is considered to be used as an intermediate storage of production surpluses of desalinated water. In the previous studies, it became clear that HCO3- and Mg2+ concentrations increase in the aquifer during storage. Further, the formation of toxic halogenated disinfection by-product (DBP) like Trihalomethanes is observed.
The aim of the project “Aquifer recharge as a sustainable storage solution for desalinated water (MAR-DSW)” is to obtain a deeper understanding of the formation, fate and transportation of above-mentioned constituents to optimize the recharge technology.
For the project “MAR-DSW”, TU Darmstadt (TUDA) works with three project partners in Israel. To achieve the goal, TUDA is involved in the following three tasks:
- Providing methodologies for the characterization of sediments and sediment alterations due to the Hydrochemical reactions;
- Generation of stable isotope data for DBP especially providing data on stable chlorine isotopes based on a method developed at TU Darmstadt;
- Supporting the reactive transport modelling especially related to the coupling of geochemical reactions and isotopic fractionation.
Project Acronym: MAR-DSW
Country, Continent: Israel, Middle East
Funding agency: BMBF
Years of activity: 2017 – …
Responsible person: Berhane Abrha, Prof.Dr.Christoph Schüth