MARSoluT intends to tackle specific technical challenges in the operation of Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) sites on a scientific basis, specifically:
- chemical, biological and hydraulic processes resulting in clogging and reduction of infiltration rates,
- hydrogeochemical processes affecting the water quality, with special focus on micropollutants,
- performance monitoring and modelling, including reactive transport models to predict the fate of pathogens and emerging pollutants, and
- implications of the processes mentioned above on the technical design of MAR projects in the frame of regional flow models and water management plans.
MARSoluT intends, at the same time, to train a significant number (12) of Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) to become experts in the application of MAR in the frame of an Integrated Water Resources Management. We envisage these ESRs to become highly qualified multipliers for the effective promotion and implementation of MAR concepts in Europe and worldwide.
MARSoluT brings together 19 Beneficiaries and Partners Organisations, of which 9 come from academia and 10 from the non-academic sector, including SMEs but also large companies from the water sector, indicating the high potential of the research approaches for commercial, full-scale application. MARSoluT ESRs will therefore be exposed to inspiring research environments and at the same time to partners interested in technology development and the exploitation of results.
We are convinced that a MAR project focussing not only on research but also on dedicated training – as intended by MARSoluT – can contribute significantly to increasing the market potential and access of MAR concepts in the water sector, raising European competitiveness in this important part of integrated water resources management.
Country, continent: Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain
Funding scheme: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN)
Project start date: 1. March 2019
Project duration: 48 months
Responsible persons: Christoph Schüth, Annette Wefer-Roehl, Karl Ernst Roehl