AOR Dr. Thomas Schiedek
Hydrogeochemie, Hydrogeologie, Quartärgeologie
work +49 6151 16-20635
fax +49 6151 16-23601
B2|02 205
Schnittspahnstraße 9
Since 1998
Scientist (Akademischer Rat, in charge of research, teaching and administration) at Darmstadt University of Technology, Institute for Applied Geosciences.
1996 - 1997
Post-Doc position at University of Tübingen, Department of Applied Geology. Development of new passive sampling methods for deposition and groundwater monitoring of organic contaminants, e.g. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Study on “natural attenuation” of organic contaminants.
1992 - 1995
Doctoral thesis (Dr. rer. nat., equivalent to PhD thesis) at University of Tübingen / Germany, Department of Applied Geology: Vorkommen und Verhalten von ausgewählten Phthalaten in Wasser und Boden (Occurrence and transport of selected phthalates in water and soil).
1987 - 1990
Diploma thesis: Hydrogeological and hydrochemical investigations in a small forested granite area and a mapping of the terraces south of Neustadt/Titisee in the Southern Black Forest.
Main courses in geology and applied geology (hydrogeology, hydrochemistry, engineering geology) at University of Tübingen / Germany, diploma degree in geology (Diplom-Geologe).
1984 - 1986
Basic courses in geology, paleo-anthology, geography, biology, chemistry, and physics at University of Erlangen, Germany, pre-degree in geology (Vordiplom).
Milestones & Awards
- 2023 Awarded by SETAC for supervising an excellent Master-Thesis in 2022
- 2022 Best apprentice in Fachinformatiker Systemintegration in the Rhine-Main-Area
- 2022 Invitation as speaker at the “International Public Health Conference” 2022 in Singapore.
- 2021 Member of DIN e.V. commission for analytical harmonization
- 2020 Keynote speaker invitation for Annual World Congress of Nano Science &Technology, Osaka, Japan; International Conference on Environmental Life Science, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- 2019 Keynote speaker at the international conference on mental health of chimpanzees
- 2018 Interview WDR5 radio station on PAH heap contamination and risk assessment
- 2017 Erasmus scholarship for teaching at Karl-Franzens-University Graz
- 2017 Alberta (Canada), Delirium Dive 50°, Lookout Mountain
- 2016 Invitation for / attendance at the environmental conference of the Federal President of Germany Joachim Gauck at Castle Bellevue, Berlin
- 2016 Eurosoil Istanbul, Turkey, poster award 2. place
- 2008 The first man to reach Niagara Falls and almost Victoria Falls within one year
- 2008 Invited guest at the historical apology speech of Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper at CCCP-meeting in Markham, Ontario
- 2007 Convener at European Geoscience Union conference "Urban Hydrogeology"
- 2006 Convener at European Geoscience Union conference "Urban Hydrogeology"
- 2006 Start of TropHEE, first batch of TropHEE students
- 2005 Accreditation audit MSc TropHEE, first acc. audit at TUD at all
- 2000-2005 development of the international master course Tropical Hydrogeology and Environmental Engineering (TropHEE)
- 2004 Organization of the biggest German hydrogeology conference in Darmstadt and first author of the conference book Hydrogeologie Regionaler Aquifersysteme (ISBN 3-932537-04-1)
- 2003 Development and introduction MSc program TropHEE, first international MSc in English at TU DA
- 2002 Supervisor of the first apprenticeship at IAG
- 1999 Introduction "quaternary geology" and "organic hydrochemistry" at TU DA
- 1999 Development Dipl.-Ing. Geowissenschaften at TU Da
- 1998 Support of Tibor Müller "Wörterbuch und Lexikon der Hydrogeologie" (Springer 1999)
- 1997 Time-integrated sampling of compounds by accumulation of the contaminant in a dosimeter packed with C18-coated solid phase, XAD—and Amberlite resins—to determine PAH in water: Grathwohl P, Schiedek T (1997) In: Gottlieb J et al (eds) Field Screening Europe. Kluwer, Dordrecht, p 33
- 1997 First member of the cleaning staff of the University of Tübingen, Germany, with a doctor rer. nat. degree, ever
- 1996 Doctoral examination "rigorosum" with the excellent grading "MCL" and one of the best doctoral thesis on phthalic acid esters
- 1992 AIG excellent scholarship of the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung for a doctoral thesis at University of Tübingen
- 1990 Worldwide new quaternary stratigraphic insight into the texture and structure of terraces in the Gutach valley, Southern Black Forest, SW-Germany
- Support / advisor of more than 80 Dr./PhD.-, Dipl.-, MSc- and BSc-thesis
- Basics in geology – interpretation of geological maps
- Basic geology and methods for environmental engineers
- Introduction to quaternary geology
- Groundwater chemistry (TropHEE M.Sc.)
- Physical hydrogeology (TropHEE M.Sc.)
- Water analysis (TropHEE M.Sc.)
- Lab course (TropHEE M.Sc.)
- Geological Methods (TropHEE M.Sc.)
- Cold trapping of organic contaminants in mountains
- Urban hydrology and hydrochemistry in urban areas
- Geogene arsenic in the Spessart Mountains
- Sorption and desorption of POPs in soils and sediments
Administration & Services
- Founder and Coordinator International MSc-program Tropical Hydrogeology and Environmental Engineering – TropHEE
- Water lab management
- Technical expert for all GC-MS, GC-ECD-FID, ASE, freeze-dryer
- Radiation safety officer
- First aider
- IT management
- IT apprenticeships (Ausbilder IHK Fachinformatiker Systemintegration, more than 10 FiSi at TU DA)
- Office apprenticeships, co-advisor in co-operation with central administration of TU DA
Memberships & Engagements for the Scientific Community
- FHDGGV (since 1987, for 6 years member of directory board, several years advisory and editorial board of the journal "Grundwasser", several working groups, convener of several hydrogeology & -chemistry sessions)
- EGU (convener "urban hydrogeology" 2006, 2007 & 2008)
- Reviews for DAAD, DLR, BMBF, DBU and several journals (e.g. Environmental Pollution, Grundwasser, ES&T, Hydrogeology Journal)
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