Dr. Tesfay Mebrahtu
work +49 6151 16-22346
B2/02 212
Schnittpahnstr. 9
- Geomechanical numerical modelling
- Rock mechanics
- Discrete Fracture Network (DFN)
- Rock slope instabilities and natural hazards
- RESTLESS – Geomechanical modelling on the fault zone and reservoir scale for geothermal potential evaluation in the Upper Rhine Graben
Since 2024
Postdoc in Engineering Geology, Institute of Applied Geosciences, TU Darmstadt
2021 until 2023
Postdoc in Applied Geology, Institute of Geology, Mineralogy and Geophysics, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
PhD study at Ruhr-Universität Bochum: Failure mechanisms and stability analysis of deep-seated landslides in the northwestern Rift escarpment, Ethiopia
- Christiansen, R., Mebrahtu, T.K., Aguil, N., Wohnlich, S. (2024). Numerical modelling of an advective geothermal system in the Central Andes: Sustainable utilization through borehole heat exchangers. Renew. Energy 223, 0960–1481.
- Bayou, W.T., Mohammed, M., Ayenew, Mebrahtu, T.K., Wohnlich, S. (2024). Hydrochemistry and isotope hydrology of groundwater and surface water in the Sor and Gebba watershed, southwestern Ethiopia. Environ Earth Sci 83, 316.
- Mebrahtu, T.K., Wohnlich, S., Heinze, T. (2022). Slope stability analyses using the 2D and 3D finite element method along the Rift margin in Ethiopia. – AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, I.L., U.S.A.
- Mebrahtu, T.K., Heinze, T., Wohnlich, S., Alber, M. (2022). Slope stability analysis of deep-seated landslides using limit equilibrium and finite element methods in Debre Sina area, Ethiopia. Bull Eng Geol Environ 81, 403.
- Mebrahtu, T.K., Banning, A., Hagos, E., Wohnlich, S. (2021). The effect of hydrogeological and hydrochemical dynamics on landslide triggering in the central highlands of Ethiopia. Hydrogeol. J. 1239–1260.
- Mebrahtu, T.K., Heinze, T., Wohnlich, S. (2021). Comparing slope stability analysis using limit equilibrium and finite elements simulations of deep-seated landslides along the western margin of the Main Ethiopian Rift. EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9788.
- Mebrahtu, T.K., Alber, M., Wohnlich, S. (2020b). Tectonic conditioning revealed by seismic refraction facilitates deep-seated landslides in the western escarpment of the Main Ethiopian Rift. Geomorphology. 370. 107382.
- Mebrahtu, T.K., Hussien, B., Banning, A., Wohnlich, S. (2020a). Predisposing and triggering factors of large-scale landslides in Debre Sina area, central Ethiopian highlands. Bull Eng Geol Environ 80, 365–383.
- Mebrahtu, T.K., Wohnlich, S., Alber, M., Hussien, B., Banning, A. (2019). Integrated approach to unravel mechanics of slope failure inducing landslides in Debre Sina area, central highlands of Ethiopia. World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS), September 9–13, 2019, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Kiros, T., Wohnlich, S., Alber, M., Hussien, B. (2018b). Oblique divergence activating large-scale rainfall induced landslides: Evidence from Tarma Ber, Northwestern Plateau of Ethiopia. – AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington, D.C, U.S.A.
- Mebrahtu, T., Wohnlich, S. (2018a). The effect of groundwater and rainfall on landslide triggering in the central highlands of Ethiopia: the case of Debre Sina Area. – 26. Tagung der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie (FH–DGGV), Bochum, Germany.
- Kiros, T., Wohnlich, S., Hussien, B. (2017). Large-scale landslide triggering mechanisms in Debre Sina area, Central Ethiopian Highlands at the western Afar rift margin. – AGU Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, U.S.A.
- Hussien, B., Nuru, Z., Kiros, T. (2014). Case studies of landslides related to road construction in Ethiopia. Natural Hazard Monitoring and Risk Management. Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.