- „Die Iberischen Stelen der Spätbronzezeit: Bildkunst, Technologie und Wissenstransfer zwischen Atlantik und Mittelmeer“, DFG gefördert 2021 bis 2023. Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Ralph Araque Gonzalez (Projektleiter), Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften Abteilung für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters.
Pressemitteilung: Stahl bereits vor 2.900 Jahren in Europa in Gebrauch
Internationale Kooperationspartner: - Portugal:
- Prof. Dr. Raquel Vilaça, Universität Coimbra, Hauptkooperationspartnerin Portugal, Doktormutter von Pedro Soares Baptista.
- Dr. Marcos Osório, Museo do Sabugal.
- Dr. Lara Bacelar Alves, Universität Coimbra.
- Dr. Carlo Bottaini, HERCULES Évora, Archäometallurgie.
- Spanien:
- Großbritannien/Schweden:
- Dr. Marta Díaz-Guardamino, University of Durham Projektkooperation: Swedish Research Council project 2018-01387 „Rock Art, Atlantic Europe, Words & Warriors (RAW)“, Leitung: MDG & Dr. Johan Ling
- Portugal:
- Petrology of the Phyllite-Diabas-zone at the Kaschana pass in the Stara Planina of central Bulgaria – (DAAD, ERASMUS. Cooperation with St. Kl. Ohridski University of Sofia, BG).
- Geochronology and tectono-thermal history of the Penninic-Austroalpine boundary (Arosa Zone) in Eastern Switzerland; a multi-methodical comparison of methods. – (SNF and Willkomm Fond. Cooperation with University of Bern, CH and Department für Zivilschutz, Bern, CH).
- Organic matter studies on graptolite-schist, their hydrocarbon potential and maturation level to determine the palaeo-geothermal history and to elucidate geodynamic processes (Bulgaria and Turkey). – (Different national science founds and DAAD. Cooperation with St. Kl. Ohridski University of Sofia, BG and Pamukkale University, TR).
- Coal petrographic study to verify prior clay mineral based diagenetic to metamorphic patterns in the Istanbul and Zonguldak terranes (NW Turkey). Cooperation with the Pamukkale University, TR
- Low-grade study on the thermal evolution of wairarapa area, North Island, New Zealand. Cooperation with LaSalle Beauvais Geosciences Department, (F), UMR 8217 Géosystèmes, bâtiment SN5, University of Lille (F), University of Picardie Jules-Verne (F), GNS Science (NZ).
- Determination of a normal orogenic palaeo-geothermal gradient with clay mineral and organic matter indices. Cooperation with Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate, Switzerland, UniLaSalle, (F) and Department of Geosciences, Goethe University, (G)
- The Zlatitsa para-series group, a new Palaeozoic lithostratigraphic member determined in the Kashana section at the southern Stara Planina mountain range (Central Balkanides, Bulgaria). Cooperation with the Universität Freiburg (DF), Université de Genève (CH), University of Sofia „St. Kl. Ohridski“ (BG).
- Thermal integrity of clay and claystones – experiment and coupled THMC simulations (funded by GRS and BGR).
- Behaviour of Fe- and Cr-smectite in contact with high alkaline solutions (in cooperation with Goethe University of Frankfurt; VNU University of Science, Vietnam; University of Zaragoza, Spain.
- Kinnekule K-bentonite, an indication of heat impact on the alteration of clay? (in cooperation with Luleå Technical University, Sweden; Jörn-Kasbohm-Consulting, Germany; VNU University of Science, Vietnam).