Birth: 10/05/1958 in Ourense, Spain
Nationality: German-Spanish
Civil status: Married, one child

Professional Career
Since 2002 C3 Professur für Technische Petrologie, Fachbereich 11 Material- und Geowissenschaften, Institut für Angewandte Geowissenschaften, Technische Universität Darmstadt (TUD).

- 2010/18 Auslandskoordinator, Institut für Angewandte Geowissenschaften (IAG), DAAD-ERASMUS
- 2006/08 Studiendekan Fachbereich 11 Material- und Geowissenschaften
- 2006/07 TUD Ausschuß „Förderung internationaler MSc Studiengänge“
- 2006/08 Koordinator zur. Planung der AG Instrumentelle Analytik TUD
- 2005/08 Vorsitzender der BSc-MSc Kommission IAG
- 2005/07 TUD Ausschuß „Fachübergreifende BSc/MSc Studiengänge“
- 2004/08 Vorsitzender der Diplomprüfungskommission IAG
- 2004/07 TUD Ausschuß „Ausländerabsolventenquote“
- 2004/06 TUD Ausschuß „Doppel BSc Studiengänge“
- Since 2003 Mitglied in 12 Berufungskommissionen (TUD, Univ. Frankfurt, Univ. Mainz, Univ. Basel (CH))
- 2003/08 Studienkoordination Geowissenschaften Univ. Frankfurt a.M. & TUD
- 2003/08 Sprecher TUD der Geo-Initiative Rhein-Main (Frankfurt, Mainz, TUD)
- 2003/06 Studiendekan, Teilfachbereich IAG
2023 Advisory Member of the conference Scientific Committee, 17th International Clay Conference 2021, ICC İstanbul, Turkey.
2018 SEG lecture about Coal Petrology & Palaeogeothermics. Society of Economic Geology (SEG) Workshop Munich, Student Chapter Technical University München. 16 lecture hours with practice. 8th and 9th of June, TU München, Germany
2016 Guest editor with Hans Albert Gilg, Stephen Hillier and Emilio Galán. Special issue about “Clay mineral indices in palaeo-geothermal studies, hydrocarbon and geothermal prospection”. Including the proceedings of the third Frey-Kübler Symposium. Applied Clay Sciences, v. 134, P3.
2016 Member of the Scientific Program Committee at the 5th Mediterranean Clay Meeting (MCM), Ilica Çeșme, Izmir, Turkey.
2016 ERASMUS lecture about „Peak Oil, problems and perspectives“ at Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey.
2016 ERASMUS short course about „Coal Petrology and Paleo-Geothermics“ at Pamukkale University, Department of Geological Engineering, Denizli, Turkey.
2016 CUSO lecture at the Université De Genève, Section of Earth and Environmental Sciences. Programme doctoral en Sciences des Minéraux. DPMS Short Course: „Maturation of Carbonaceous Matter: Methods and Applications“ together with Dr. Olivier Beyssac (ENS Paris) and Prof. Dr. Kitty Milliken (University of Texas, Austin), Geneva, Switzerland
2016 ERASMUS lecture about „Applying different clay mineral and organic matter indices to determine rock maturity and grade of diagenesis to incipient metamorphism focused on correlation problems“ at Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais, France.
2016 Guest editor with Ralf Littke and Ronan Le Bayon. Special issue about “Organic petrology, organic geochemistry and mineralogy in sedimentary basin research”. International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 157/1.
2015 Member of the Scientific Program Committee at the 68th International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology Meeting (ICCP), Potsdam, Germany.
2015 Organiser of the third Frey-Kübler Symposium at the 42th Clay Mineral Society (CMS) and EUROCLAY Conference. Edinburgh, Scotland, GB.
2013 Member of the Scientific Program Committee at the 9th European Coal Conference (ECC), Gliwice, Poland.
2012 Guest editor with Ömer Bozkaya, Sébastien Potel and Fernando Nieto García. Special issue about “Clay mineral diagenesis and very low-grade metamorphic processes”. Including the proceedings of the second Frey-Kübler Symposium. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 105/2.
2011 Organiser of the second Frey-Kübler-Symposium at EROCLAY, Antalya, Turkey.
2010 ERASMUS guest lecturer in the frame of the Lifelong Learning programme, Sofiiki Universitet “Sveti Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria. ERASMUS lectures about “Clay, Clay Minerals and Applied Clay Mineralogy”. ERASMUS lecture with Prof. Dr. Janko Gerdjikow “Paragenetic metamorphic rocks”. Field studies in the Stara Planina Mountain, Kashana section, Central Balkanides, Bulgaria.
2008 & 2010 Professional break due to illness and traffic accident.
2005 Professional break due to illness and sports accident.
2002 Guest editor with Susanne Theodora Schmidt. Special issue about “Diagenesis and Low-Grade Metamorphism”. Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 82/2.
2002 Habilitation in Petrology, University of Basel, Switzerland: “Das Graphitproblem: Wie entsteht Grafit in der Natur?” and public lecture: “Advances in organic petrology”. Mentors: Prof. Dr. Willem B. Stern and Prof. Dr. Martin Frey.
1997-2003 Co-applicant, CCES/NIS and SCOPES joint research project with Institutul Geologic al Romaniei, Bucharest, Romania.
1996-2002 Post-doc position (Durchgangsassistent) by Prof. Martin Frey at the Institute of Petrography and Mineralogy of the University Basel (CH).
1994-1995 Post-doc position funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG) research grant: Auslandsforschungsstipendium Fe 409/1-1, “P-T-t-X-Einflüsse auf Diagenese-/Metamorphose-Wertmaßziffern sedimentärer Gesteine – Das Diagenese-Metamorphose-Muster im Penninikum und im Helvetikum Vorarlbergs und Graubündens”. Research study at the University of Basel (CH).
1991 Doctoral Assistant with Prof. Dr. Hans Krumm at the field practice “Kartierkurs III Graubünden – Albulazone”. Finishing the field practice, I fall very ill, and the diagnosis was terrifying. A friend of mine Dr. Herbert Horatz at the hospital related my critical illness with my accommodation in a farmhouse and thus the brucella meningitis could be treated. It was thought that this saved me.
1988 University Assistant granted by the German Science Foundation (DFG) for research. Research grant: DFG Forschungsprojekt Gz: Kr 381/09-1.
1988 University Assistant at the Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology of the University of Frankfurt, Germany.
1987 Freelance project Geologist at Klöckner Industrie-Anlagen GmbH, Duisburg, Dept.: Géologie et Mines. Project: Bauxiven, Venezuela, and at Siorconsult, Baugrundgeologie related with the Bauxiven Project, Frankfurt a.M., Germany.
1987 Student fulltime Assistant for the reorganization of the rock collections at the Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology of the University of Frankfurt, Germany.
1984-1989 Student Assistant for lectures and field practices in mineralogy and petrology (Institut für Geochemie, Petrologie und Lagerstättenkunde) of the University of Frankfurt, Germany:
Polarisation microscopy II “rock forming minerals” (5 courses 1985 to 1989),
Field practices “Kartierkurs III Tauern – Zillertal, Austria/Italy” (1985 and 1986),
“Kartierkurs III Graubünden – Albulazone” (1987).
1984 – 1987 Freelance employee at Texaco AG, Wietze, Hamburg and Schwedeneck Germany.
The Industry Practice and some ferial jobs on the drilling sits and laboratories with Rudolf Gedenk (Texaco) and “our” collaboration with Prof. Dr. Gerhard Lagaly (University Kiel) and Dr. Winfried Zimmerle (Texaco) influenced later my interest in applied coal and clay mineral research. The unfavourable situation at Texaco and a dearly bought unfriendly take over finalized in an expensive sentence. The company disappeared in Germany and thereby the opportunity. Specifically, Schwedeneck was a highlight in my life.
1979-1987 Technical translations (Spanish – German – English) for the DLG Deutsche Landwirtschaftsgesellschaft (German agricultural society). Guided by Prof. Dr. Jaime Ferreiro Alemparte.

During my PhD studies I was very lucky to get help for housing in Aachen by my family Josef and Hilde Mählmann, in Basel by my friend Richard Burnell, in Bern by the family of Matthias Giger (we are best friends) and by Prof. Dr. Jaroslav and Regula Ricka, and in Zürich by Greetchen Früh-Green. This was a fundamental help during my long stays in Aachen and Switzerland. Richard and Jaroslav are good friends and enthusiast of speleology. All of them “Mit einem Herzen am rechten Fleck”.

Highly promoting was in the first step the sympathy experienced by Prof. Dr. Hans Krumm, my very good friend Dr. Rainer Petschick, and friend Prof. Dr. Gotthardt Kowalczyk, and later by Prof. Dr. Rudolf Trümpy. How to teach and advise students is strongly influenced by my admired teacher Prof. Dr. Hans Krumm, and how to work in field by Dr. Rainer Petschick.

With all the members, the PhD depended on, the collaboration was extremely cooperative, and I had the privilege to work completely independent and self-organized in Frankfurt, Aachen, Zürich, and Bern. However exceptionally I must distinguish the generous welcome in the laboratories by Emilie Jäger and Prof. Monika Wolf. Until her last years I was continual invited to the birthdays of Emilie Jäger. This was an avowal of affection.
1994 PhD in Mineralogy at the Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology of the University of Frankfurt (Germany): „Zur Bestimmung von Diagenesehöhe und beginnender Metamorphose – Temperaturgeschichte und Tektogenese des Austroalpins und Südpenninikums in Vorarlberg und Mittelbünden“.
Subject: Study of the very low-grade metamorphism in Western Austria and Eastern Switzerland.
Advisors: Prof. Dr. Hans Krumm (University of Frankfurt, D), Prof. Dr. Monika Wolf (RWTH Aachen, D) and Prof. Dr. Daniel Bernoulli (ETH Zürich, CH).
1993 Guest researcher at the Institute of Geology at ETH Zürich, Switzerland, and at the Isotope-Geochemical Laboratory of the University Bern, Switzerland, as holder of a Hermann Willkomm grant.
1988 – 1992 Associate Assistant at the Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology of the University of Frankfurt, Germany. Holder of a scholarship granted by the German Science Foundation (DFG) for research. Research grant: DFG Forschungsprojekt Gz: Kr 381/10-1 – Kr 381/10-4 „Diagenese und Anchimetamorphose an der Grenze West-/Ostalpen und ihre tektogenetische Bedeutung“.

PhD student:
Institute of Oil, Gas and Coal Research and Organic Geochemistry at the RWTH Aachen, Germany (Guided by Prof. Dr. Hans Werner Hagemann).
1990-1991 Isotope-Geochemical Laboratory of the University Bern, Switzerland (Guided by Prof. Dr. Emilie Jäger).

PhD courses of study at the University Bern:
Geochronologisches Laborpraktikum (Dr. Matthias Giger, PD Dr. Markus Flisch)
Isotopengeologie (Prof. Dr. Emilie Jäger).
Phasenpetrologie, Thermodynamik metamorpher Gesteine (Prof. Dr. Martin Engi)
1990 Institute of Petrography and Mineralogy of the University Basel, Switzerland (Guided by Dr. Josef Mullis & Prof. Dr. Martin Frey).

PhD courses of study at the University Basel:
Micro-Thermobarometry of fluid inclusions (Dr. Josef Mullis)
1989 Summer semester at the ETH Zürich (Guided by Prof. Daniel Bernoulli).

PhD courses of study at the ETH Zürich:
Geologie der Alpen (Prof. Dr. Rudolf Trümpy) with excursion to the Glarus Alps.
Stable Isotope Geology (Dr. Gretchen Früh-Green) with excursion to the Arosa Zone.
Metamorphe Petrologie (Prof. Dr. Volkmar Trommsdorff)
1988-1989 Institute of Oil, Gas and Coal Research and Organic Geochemistry at the RWTH Aachen, Germany (Guided by Prof. Dr. Monika Wolf).

PhD courses of study at the RWTH Aachen:
Grundlagen der Kohlenpetrologie und Genese der Kohle (Prof. Dr. Monika Wolf)
Kohlen Petrographie I and II (Prof. Dr. Monika Wolf)
Geochemie, Petrographie und Geologie der Kohle (Prof. Dr. Monika Wolf)
Kohlenlagerstätten I and II (Prof. Dr. Monika Wolf)
Erdöl I and II (Prof. Dr. Dietrich Hugo Welte)
Auflicht-/Fluoreszenzmikroskopie der Kohle (Prof. Dr. Hans Werner Hagemann)
Organisch-Geochemisches Praktikum (Dr. Wilhelm Püttmann)
Tonmineralogie (Prof. Dr. Wolfram Echle)
Sedimentpetrographie (Prof. Dr. Wolfram Echle)
Mesozoikum und Cänozoikum (Prof. Dr. Adolphe Muller)
Analyse Sedimentärer Becken (Prof. Dr. Adolphe Muller)
1988 Start with the PhD project.
The clay-mineralogical part of the diploma thesis was used as basis for the PhD proposal. During the rod change, prospection brakes, unemployment times and vacation times the proposal was prepared with a very important support by Dr. Rainer Petschick giving the advice and experience of his PhD project. The proposal was rather the continuation of his study. “Our” proposal was than supported by Prof. Dr. Monika Wolf, Prof. Dr. Daniel Bernoulli, and of coarse Prof. Dr. Hans Krumm. The DFG approval followed on July 13, 1988.
1987 Diplom examination in Universal and Applied Geology, Historical and Regional Geology, Palaeontology, Mineralogy and Petrology, Mining Geology, and Hydrogeology. Mark given was very good with excellence (16.09.1987).
1987 Diploma Thesis in Geology/Palaeontology at the University of Frankfurt am Main. Subject: Geological mapping 1:10.000 in the Mieminger mountains (North-Tirol, Austria) and lithofacies comparisons with Scythian to Ladinian sections in the Rätikon mountains (Vorarlberg, Austria). Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Hans Krumm and PD Dr. Helmut Willems.
1987 Participation for the first time at an international meeting facilitated by Dr. Rainer Petschick and Prof. Dr. Hams Krumm. At the IV. EUG/XII. EGS meeting the chair persons Prof. Dr. Rudolf Trümpy and Prof. Dr. Martin Frey of the session “New aspects of evolution of the Alps (including the Metamorphic Map)” proposed to continue research with a PhD. Rudolf Trümpy asked me to remember him after finishing my Diploma. When I arrived Zürich, exact at that day he was retired and at the farewell ceremony Prof. Dr. Daniel Bernoulli gave promise to accept to be member of the supervisors. 1987 was also a fantastic year with highlights in mountaineering (first ice wall with my friend Stephan Weinbruch) and speleology (first cave expedition approaching more than – 500 m).
1984 During the main Diploma (MSc) study, interest in mining geology changed to Alpine geology, hoping to get a second chance for contact with Swiss universities, also motivated by the membership in the Swiss Society of Speleology and mountaineering interest (Deutscher Alpenverein). A third reason was provoked by a mutual misunderstanding regarding a PhD project and the much more humanistic personality of Prof. Dr. Hans Krumm.
1984 Industrial practice at Deutsche Texaco AG (well Hardesse 74, well Hardesse 75, and geological archive Wietze).

During the Diplom study (= MSc) apart from “obligatory” lectures the focus was given to geology of mineral deposits:

Lagerstättenkunde II (Prof. Dr. Hans Urban)
Untersuchen und Bewerten von Lagerstätten I and II (Prof. Dr. Hans Urban)
Spezielle Lagerstätten der Buntmetalle (Prof. Dr. Hans Urban)
Geländeübungen zur Lagerstättenkunde (Prof. Dr. Hans Urban, Dr. Fathi Zereini)
Erzmikroskopie (Dr. Bernhard Stribrny)
Erze und Gesteine des Ostalpenraums (Prof. Dr. Hans Krumm)
Aufsuchen und Bewerten von Erzlagerstätten, Brasilien (Dr. Gerhard Pöschl)
Erzlagerstätten Mitteleuropas (Prof. Dr. Kurt von Gehlen)
Geologie der Salzlagerstätten (Prof. Dr. Johannes Winter)
Exploration und Bewerten von Kohlenwasserstoffen (Prof. Dr. Dieter Betz)
Gewerkschaft Brigitta
Regarding this period of my pre-scientific life, I must thank Dr. Werner Forkel very much. He showed me how to teach polarization microscopy. During the course after the Vordiplom (BSc) he ask me to help him as student assistant and lecture tutor. Until my retirement I will have guided as tutor, assistant with Diplom (MSc), university assistant and professor 33 practice lectures in Frankfurt, Aachen, Basel, and Darmstadt. Fundamentally using the lecture guidelines of Werner Forkel.
1986 Helvetikum Exkursion (Prof. Dr. Rudolf Trünpy, Dr. Heinz Furrer)
1984 Karbonat Mikrofazies (Prof. Dr. Erik Flügel, University of Erlangen)
1984 Ostalpenexkusion (10 days, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Franke, University of Wien)
1983 – 1986 Attended lectures after the Vordiplom (BSc):
Das Varistikum Nordspaniens (Dr. Gerhard Becker)
Präparations- und Dokumentationsmethoden i.d. Paläontologie (Dr. G. Becker)
Methoden und Techniken mikropaläontologischer Arbeiten (Dr. Gerhard Becker)
Fazieskunde I Sand-, Silt-und Tonsteine (Prof. Dr. Johannes Winter)
Fazieskunde II Karbonatgesteine (Dr. Helmut Willems)
Plattentektonik am Beispiel der Iraniden (Dr. Onno Oncken)
Baugrundgeologie III (Dr. K. H. Müller)
Regionale Hydrogeologie (Dr. A. Golwer)
Dänemark – Schweden Exkursion (Dr. K.P. Winter)
Five excursions (Nordhessen, Schwarzwald (two days), Korbach, Hydrogeologie Hessische Ried, Keuper Franken (three days))

Spezielle Mineralogie (Prof. Dr. Hans Krumm)
Angewandte Mineralogie I und II (Prof. Dr. Hans Krumm)
Hauspraktikum Röntgendiffraktometrie (Prof. Dr. Hans Krumm, Dr. Werner Forkel)
Sedimentpetrographie, Ostalpenexkursion (Prof. Dr. Hans Krumm)
Petrologie der metamorphen Gesteine und Anatexis (Prof. Dr. Kurt von Gehlen)
Polarisationsmikroskopie II und III (Dr. Werner Forkel)
Universal Drehtischmethode (Dr. Werner Forkel, Prof. Dr. Kurt von Gehlen)
Geochemie (Prof. Dr. Kurt von Gehlen)
Silikatanalyse (Dr. Werner Forkel)
Gleichgewichte und Ungleichgewichte (Dr. Werner Forkel)
Theoretische Petrologie, Phasenanalyse (Dr. Otmar Spiess)
Magmatismus und Plattentektonik (Dr. Otmar Spiess)
Röntgenfluoreszenz Analyse, Praktikum (Dr. Otmar Spiess)
Mineralogische Seminar (Prof. Dr. Hans Krumm, Prof. Dr. Kurt von Gehlen)
Theorie der Angewandten Geophysik, Seismische Methoden
(Prof. Dr. Hans Berckhemer)
Geophysikalisches Feldpraktikum (Dr. B. Baier)
DAAD exchange semester at the ETH Zürich 1983 was disliked, despite an acceptance as Fachhörer at the ETH and the approval by the Fremdenpolizei Zürich (after the Vordiplom). This did not change my interest to study in Switzerland. For a better second start I tried to earn some money and to try it again with internal resources. Motivated by the excellent lecture in Lagerstättenkunde I of Prof. Dr. Hans Urban y used the contact in his working group to get a practice at Chambers of Mines, Richmond, Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa (Dr. Gabi. Schneider) and at Metallgesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main, Germany (Dr. Hubert Buss). The planned project was discarded, but it gave the opportunity for ferial jobs from 1982 to 1984. Thus it was no more necessary to work at the Main Port East of Frankfurt (scrap processing), at the main railway station of Frankfurt (postal package unloading) and at the dairy (Molkereiwerke Süd) in Frankfurt because being owner of a pallet transporter license.
1982 Vordiplom (= BSc) in Geology: Mid-term examination in Geology, Mineralogy, Chemistry, and Zoology.
1981 Studies grant for students of emigrated families “Dirección General de Relaciones Culturales del Minesterio de Asuntos Exteriores de Madrid” delegated by the Embajada de España en Bonn. Winter 1981/1982, Exchange studies at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Geología (Prof. Dr. Manuel Martel San Gil, a friend of my father) and Geografía, Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y Arqueología. A short “charla” with Prof. Dr. Martín Almagro Gorbea pointed to an inscription at the university in Madrid, but finally the studies were continued in Frankfurt University due to bureaucratic obstacles.
Lecture hours: 11 h Mainz 1979/80
14 h Frankfurt 1979/80
35 h Frankfurt 1980
31 h Frankfurt 1980/81
15 h Frankfurt 1981
16 h Frankfurt 1981/82
From 1980 to 1982 moreover 16 h lectures in the Romance Seminar of the Frankfurt University (Romanische Seminar) e.g. seminars about Alfonso X el sabio, Celso Emilio Ferreiro, Ramón del Valle-Inclán, El liberalismo Español en el pensamiento de la Emancipación Hispanoamericana, Benito Pérez Galdós, Las arribadas de los normandos en la Península Ibérica, Traducción literal o libre, La escuela de nigromancia de Toledo (lectures of my father Jaime Ferreiro Alemparte).
1980 -1982 Diploma study in Geology and Palaeontology at the University of Frankfurt am Main (Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität), Germany.

Attended lectures until the Vordiplom (BSc):
Geologie I mit Übungen (Prof. Dr. Johannes Winter, Dr. Alexander Altenbach).
One year later. The examination in Mainz could not be attended.
Entwicklungsgeschichte der Erde (Prof. Dr. Hans Murawski). The view of the genetic evolution was very different to the lectures in Mainz.
Allgemeine Tektonik (Prof. Dr. Hans Murawski)
Tektonische Übungen I (Prof. Dr. Hans Murawski, Dr. Merkel)
Geologie von Frankfurt und Umgebung (Prof. Dr. Erlend Martini)
Geschichte der Erde und des Lebens (Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Vogel)
Allgemeine Paläontologie (Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Vogel)
Paläontologie der Wirbellosen, Paläontologie I (Prof. Dr. Rolf Schröder)
Mikropaläontoloie, Paläontologie II (Prof. Dr. Erlend Martini)
Paläontologie der Wirbellosen, Paläontologie III (Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Vogel)
Geologisch-Paläontologisches Seminar (Dr. K.P. Winter)
Einführung in die Geologie Mittel-Europas (Dr. Gotthardt Kowalczyk)
Vulkanismus (Prof. Dr. Johannes Winter)
Meeresgeologie (Prof. Dr. Erlend Martini)
Auswerten von Luftbildern (Dr. Gotthardt Kowalczyk)
Gerätekurs im Gelände (K.P. Winter)
Geologische Übungen II (Dr. Gotthardt Kowalczyk)
Geländekurs – „Gelnhausenkurs“ (Dr. Gotthardt Kowalczyk)
Kartierkurs I, Röhn (Prof. Dr. Erlend Martini)
Kartierkurs II, Eifel (Prof. Dr. Johannes Winter)
Kartierkurs III Zillertal (Prof. Dr. Hans Krumm)
Baugrundgeologie I und II (Dr. K. H. Müller)

Mineralogie I mit Übungen (Prof. Dr. Masaaki Korekawa).
The examination in Mainz could not be attended.
Mineralogie II (Prof. Dr. Kurt von Gehlen)
Übungen zur Mineralogie II (Dr. Werner Forkel)
Gesteinsbestimmungsübungen (Prof. Dr. Hans Krumm)
Petrologische Anfängerübungen im Gelände (Prof. Dr. Hans Krumm)
Petrologie der magmatischen Gesteine (Dr. Otmar Spiess)
Lagerstättenkunde I (Prof. Dr. Hans Urban)
Seminar Süddeutschland und Exkursion (Prof. Dr. Kurt von Gehlen)
Polarisationsmikroskopie I (Prof. Dr. Hartmut Fuess)
Einführung in die EDV für Geowissenschaftler (Dr. Gerhard Miehe)
Nine one day excursions (Taunus, Meißner, Messel, Ruhrgebiet, Spessart, Odenwald, Mainzer Becken, Pfalz, Rheingraben).

Allgemeine Hydrogeologie (Dr. A. Golwer)
Angewandte Hydrogeologie (Dr. A. Golwer)

Geophysik I Physik des Erdkörpers (Prof. Dr. Hans Berckhemer)
Geophysik II Angewandte Geophysik (Prof. Dr. Wolfgang R. Jacoby)
Gesteinsphysik (Prof. Dr. Hans Berckhemer)

Botanisches Praktikum (Prof. Dr. Günter Rosenstock, Dr. A. Zimmermann)
Bau, Phylogenese und Biologie ausgewählter Tiergruppen (Dr. Armin F. Schäfer)
Zoologisches Praktikum (J. Schönegge, Dr. H. Schwarz)

Allgemeine Chemie (Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz König)
Übungen zur Allgemeinen Chemie (Dr. Hans Bock)
Anorganische Chemie für Nebenfächer (Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz König)
Praktikum zur Anorganischen Chemie f. N. (Dr. Hans Dieter Brauer)

Einführung in die Physik I (Prof. Dr, Bruno Lüthi, Prof. Dr. Werner Martienssen)
Einführung in die Physik II (Prof. Dr, Bruno Lüthi, Prof. Dr. Werner Martienssen)
Physikalisches Praktikum I (Prof. Dr. Bruno Lüthi, Dr. Konrad Wächler)
Physikalisches Praktikum II (Prof. Dr. Werner Martienssen, Dr. Konrad Wächler)
Allgemeine Klimatologie (Prof. Dr. Hans-Walter Georgii)
Wettervorbesprechung (Prof. Dr. Hans-Walter Georgii)
1980 The undecided situation in Mainz forced the decision to matriculate at the University at Frankfurt and due to the option to life at parents’ home in Gravenbruch. Many basic courses were lectured by doctorated staff. This was very different to the experience at the Autónoma in Madrid. In contrast, it was in Mainz a sudden situation to be able to select very specific lectures. The interest raised during the lecture of Sedimentology in Mainz motivated to change the curse of studies and to matriculate in Geology and Paleontology (school interests in Biology did influence the decision).
1979/80 Diploma study in Geology/Mineralogy at the University of Mainz (Johannes Gutenberg University).

Attended lectures during studies in Geology/Mineralogy in Mainz:
Mineralogie I (Prof. Dr. Hilmar von Platen)
Übungen zur Allgemeinen Geologie I und Mineralogie I
(Dr. Karl Stapf, Dr. Volker Lorenz, Prof. Dr. Hilmar von Platen)
Geologie I (Dr. Dieter Heim, Dr. Alfred Kröner, Dr. Volker Lorenz)
Einführung in die Kristallographie und Kristallchemie (Dr. Ekkehart Tillmanns)
Übungen zur Kristallographie und Kristallchemie
(Dr. Hans-Dieter Werner, Dr. Wolfgang Hofmeister)
Many lectures were omitted, or the successor not appointed.
This was the reason to participate in the first term:
Sedimentgeologie (Dr. Dieter Heim, Dr. Karl Stapf)
1979 “Studium generale” in Natural Sciences with the specification in Biology,
Universidad Autónoma, Madrid, Spain
1979 Bachillerato (BUB) and Selectividad, admitted to study at a Spanish university, also Abitur, admitted to study at a German university, at the German School of Madrid, Spain.
Languages German (mother tongue), Spanish (father tongue) and English
Professional membership
  • Member of the German Society of Mineralogy (DMG)
  • Member of the Swiss Society of Mineralogy and Petrology (SMPG)
  • Member of the Geologische Vereinigung (GV), now DGGV
  • Member of the Clay Minerals Society (CMS)
  • Member of the Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung
  • Member of the German Group of Coal and Organic Petrology (AKOP)
  • Member of the German Clay Mineral Group (DTTG)
  • Member of confidence at the TUD for the DMG and DGGV
  • Member of confidence and consultant for different grant-making studies foundations
  • Member of the Swiss Society of Speleology (SGH/SSS Basel)
  • Member of the Swiss Alpine Club, Schweizer Alpen-Club, SAC Sektion Angenstein
  • Member of the German Alpine Club, Deutscher Alpenverein, Sektion Frankfurt/Main