One Health

One Health: Health implications of arsenic speciation at the soil/plant and plant/mammalian interface in a cascading health effect context

One Health is an important emerging framework which emphasizes the connection between the wellbeing of the environment, animals and humans. Within the Interfaculty Research Cooperation, we propose to address a new aspect of One Health: cascading microbiome mediated health. By investigation of the effects of environmental stress factors in a defined multitrophic model system including soils, plants and mice as model organisms for human health our project will add an important new dimension to the concept of One Health. The group of Soil Science focuses on the role of arsenic as an environmental stress factor on cascading health effects.

PhD students: Hang Guan, Xiaowen Liu
PostDoc: Dr. Teresa Chávez-Capilla
Project leaders: Dr. Moritz Bigalke (PI), Prof. Dr. Adrien Mestrot (Co-PI)
Funding: University of Bern, Interfaculty Research Cooperation