

Project Information

The Thermal-Hydraulic-Chemical (THC) Prognostic Modelling project is focused on improving comprehension and control of geothermal resources. THC-Prognos aims to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of geothermal energy extraction by utilizing sophisticated modeling techniques using extensive hydrochemical data from all over Germany to guarantee a dependable and eco-friendly energy supply for the future. The anticipated results of the THC-Prognos project are diverse, encompassing refined prognostic models for geothermal systems, more data availability via GeotIS, and more informed decision-making about geothermal energy production. The project is a cooperative endeavor that involves multiple partners, each providing their specialized knowledge to different facets of the project.

Contact persons

  Name Contact
Karl Holler
Karl Holler M. Sc.
+49 6151 16-25742
B2|02 129
Picture: Hung Pham
Dr.-Ing. Hung Pham
+49 6151 16-22294
B2|02 134

Further Information

  • Funding period: From 01.12.2023 – 30.11.2026
  • Grant Authorities: BMWK
  • Project partners: LIAG, GFZ 4.8, GFZ 4.2, BGU, HydroIsotope, TU Berlin