Heat Dissipation of Buried Energy Cables

In case of transmission of electrical energy by buried cables, the electrical losses will be dissipated to the environment in the form of heat. The ampacity rating of a cable route is limited by the maximum conductor temperature permitted by the manufacturer to prevent insulation faults due to overheating. So the actual performance of an energy cable system is primarily dependent on the thermal properties of the surrounding bedding material and soil.

Schematic structure of an underground cable route trench with thermal and hydraulic interactions of cable bedding and surrounding soil (Illustration: TU Darmstadt / Ulrike Albrecht).
Schematic structure of an underground cable route trench with thermal and hydraulic interactions of cable bedding and surrounding soil (Illustration: TU Darmstadt / Ulrike Albrecht).

Buried electric cables and their bedding are at common installation depths almost exclusively located in unsaturated soil above the ground water table. Since cable-bedding and soil are in a direct capillary contact, the water content and consequently the thermal properties of bedding materials can be subject to both changes of weather and load conditions during operation of the underground cable system. In order to quantify these processes, the thermal, hydraulic and geotechnical properties of soils and bedding materials are investigated in laboratory and field experiments. Furthermore a large field experiment (cable test site) was built at TU Darmstadt in 2013 to analyze the heat and mass transport around the cables in real scale. The data collected by the laboratory experiments and the cable test side are finally used to validate coupled numerical models.

Aerial photograph of the test site –2015 (photo: TU Darmstadt).
Aerial photograph of the test site –2015 (photo: TU Darmstadt).


  Name Contact
Picture: Riachrd van Deursen
Markus Schedel M. Sc.
+49 6151 16-23138
B2|02 129
Picture: Hung Pham
Dr.-Ing. Hung Pham
+49 6151 16-22294
B2|02 134

Further Information