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3rd DGGV Early Career Sedimentologist Meeting

Young sedimentologists assemble! We invite you to join the 3rd Early Career Sedimentologist Meeting, organised by the Fachsektion Sedimentologie. This time, the ECSM is held at the Institute for Applied Geoscience at TU Darmstadt on the 8th and 9th of June. Enjoy two days of talks, posters and keynotes at our wonderful green campus. Meet your peers, share your research, discuss future innovations with established colleagues, and build your network.

Register now until May 15th

Preliminary Program (still subject to change)

Saturday June 8th
11:00 – 12:30 registration & lunch in the foyer (cold lunch provided)
12:30 – 15:00 welcome, keynote and scientific talks
14:30 – 15:00 coffee break
15:00 – 16:30 scientific talks
16:30 – 18:30 poster social
18:30 – open end Icebreaker
Sunday June 9th
09:00 – 11:30 Keynote and scientific talks
11:30 – 13:00 lunch break (self-organised)
13:00 – 15:00 scientific talks, goodbye

Registration and fees

Registration Fees
DGGV member early career (BSc, MSc, PhD, young professionals*) no fee
DGGV full member (excl. early career) 30€
Non-DGGV member early career (BSc, MSc, PhD, young professionals*) 30€
Non-DGGV member (excl. early career) 60€
*young professionals: last degree may not be obtained more than 6 years ago

Information for presenting authors

Oral presentations are 12 minutes + 3 minutes of discussion. All presentations should be uploaded to the convener`s laptop at the start of the day on which the talk is held. To ensure that all speakers keep the time limit, the convener will inform you after 10 minutes.

Posters must be brought in portrait format and dinA1 size. It is not possible to print posters on site.

Bild: Michaela Falkenroth

Dr. Michaela Falkenroth
