Dr.-Ing. Hung Pham
Working area(s)
Land Subsidence, Numerical Modeling
work +49 6151 16-22294
fax +49 6151 16-23601
B2|02 134
Schnittspahnstraße 9
Since 12/2015: DAAD NaWam scholarship - PhD student at the Institute of Applied Geosciences of the Technische Universität Darmstadt
2013 – 2014: EXCEEd scholarship - LWI Institute - TU Brauschweig - Germany
2011 – 2014: Master of Hydraulic Construction Engineering, Hanoi Water Resources University, Vietnam
2006 – 2011: Bachelor of Hydraulic Construction Engineering, Hanoi Water Resources University, Vietnam
Professional Experience
2011 – 2015: Dam structural engineer at Power Engineering Consulting JSC 1 (PECC1), Hanoi, Vietnam

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