Private and External Lecturers

Private Lecturers

Photo Name Working area(s) Contact
PD Dr. Paul Königer
Isotope hydrology, Hydrogeochemistry, Groundwater recharge and groundwater resources management
030 36993 212
PD Dr. habil. Olaf Lenz
Cenozoic paleoclimate and paleoclimate changes , Reconstruction of paleoenvironment and palaeoecosystems in the Phanerozoic , Applications of statistical and numerical analysis in the earth sciences , Changes in plant biodiversity in the paleogenic greenhouse climate , Biostratigraphy
+49 6151 16-20633
B2|02 244
PD Dr. Wolfram Rühaak
Geothermal Modeling, Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) Coupled Modeling, Hydrogeological Surface-Subsurface Coupled Models, Geostatistics

External Lecturers

Photo Name Working area(s) Contact
Prof. Dr. Christoph Külls
Tracer Hydrology
Dr. Rouwen J. Lehné
Geoinformation systems (GIS)