Tectonic stress and geothermal energy

The joint project DEKAPALATIN-BERTHA deals with the conceptualization, exploration and development of deep geothermal energy in a real laboratory for the integrated heat transition at the model location Wörth am Rhein. The work of TU Darmstadt focuses on geomechanical modeling to predict the tectonic stress field on different spatial scales, i.e. from the regional to the fault zone scale. In addition to Wärmewerk Wörth GmbH and Daimler Truck AG, the project partners are the University of Göttingen, the Institute for Geothermal Resource Management in Bingen and the Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics in Hanover.

Facts about the project

Project manager: NN +++ Duration: 01.02.2024 until 31.01.2028 +++ Project funding: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) Projektträger Jülich (PTJ

Screenshot of the current model geometry. Layers describe the Moho, the top of the lower crust, the top of the crystalline basement and the topography.
Screenshot of the current model geometry. Layers describe the Moho, the top of the lower crust, the top of the crystalline basement and the topography.

Knowledge of the tectonic stress field plays a central role in the successful exploration and safe development of fault-controlled geothermal reservoirs. The project work within the framework of DEKAPALATIN focuses on geomechanical-numerical modeling to predict the stress field for the real laboratory near Wörth am Rhein. Thereby the model scales are adapted to the knowledge gain during the exploration campaign. Starting with a geomechanical regional model for the central Upper Rhine Graben based on existing data, smaller-scale reservoir and fault zone models are being developed. The first detailed prediction model for the exploration area will be created based on the interpretation of a 3D seismic survey and literature data on mechanical material parameters. With the availability of core material from the exploration well, it will be possible to significantly improve the forecast quality, as site-specific parameters and calibration data will then be included in the modeling work.

in preparation

Status Quo & Outlook

The project work has started and is currently concentrating on the generation of a geomechanical model for the central Upper Rhine Graben on the basis of existing data.