Picture: Julian Bornemann

Julian Bornemann


Work B2|01 238
Schnittspahnstraße 9
64287 Darmstadt

Tire and associated road-wear particles display a major source of microplastics in the soil environment, especially in road-site agricultural soils. The mechanically abrasion induced dispersion of the particles can threaten soil functionality and thus harm soil health through various pathways. My research project aims to provide quantitative and qualitative data about the geographical distribution of tire and road wear particles as well as their impact on nutrient cycling in soil-plant systems.

2013 – 2019: BSc. Applied Geoscience, Technical University of Darmstadt

2019 – 2022: MSc. Applied Geoscience, Technical University of Darmstadt

Since 2023: PhD Studies. Technical University of Darmstadt