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Associated Professors and Honorary Professors
Prof. Dr. Peter A. van Aken
Apl. Professor Geomaterial Science
0711 689 3529
Professors Emeriti and Retired
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Kleebe †
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang F. Müller
PhD Students
Philipp Gollé-Leidreiter M.Sc.

Our Alumni

Name Subject
Kaufer, Jessica Thermoshock Behavior in Yttrium-Doped Zirconia Ceramics
Kautzmann, Jörn Investigation of the Lead Sorption of Monetite and Hydroylapatite
Pelzer, Marc Comparison of Electrohydraulic and Electrodynamic Desintegration of Ferrous Slags
Peter, Johannes Bixbyite in Bixbyite; An Electron Microscopy Study
Schildt, Sven TEM Characterization of Electron Beam Irradiated Cu-Nanotubes
Schlatter, Nils Comparison of the Lead Sorption on Stoichiometric and Ca-deficient Hydroxyapatite
Stricker, Kerstin Model Experiments in the LiF-MgAl2O4 System
Wilhelm, Leoni The Gas-Phase Sintering Process in MgAl-Spinel
Zintler, Alexander Microstructure and Chemistry of ZnO Varistor Grain Boundaries
Name Subject
Fritsche, Moritz Synthesis of Calcium-Silicate-Hydrates for the Sorption of Phosphate from Wastewater
Gollé-Leidreiter, Philipp Structural Characterization of Nanocrystalline Multiphase Systems Using Transmission Electron Microscopy
Götz, Emilia Investigation of Property-Directing Ordering Phenomena via Electron Microscopy
Grund, Stephan Electron Microscopic Investigations of the Diffusion Behaviour of MoSi2 in SiC Fibres
Hill, Tobias Feasibility Study of the Microstructural Analysis of Polymer-Modified Asphalts
Kausch, Steffen Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of Stacking Faults and Antiphase Domain Boundaries
Luft, Cornelia Hydrothermal Conversion of Sea Urchin Spines (Mg-Calcite) Into Porous, Mg-, Sr-, and Ag-Functionalized Ca-Phosphates as Potential Bone Substitute Implant Materials
Necke, Tobias Electron Microscopy Studies on Lorandite, TiAsS2
Peter, Johannes Microstructural Characterization of Ceramic SiFeN/OC Papers – Morphology Transfer and Phase Evolution
Stricker, Kerstin Electron Microscopy Studies on the Oxidation Resistance of ZrB2/MoSi2 Composites
Trapp, Maximilian TEM Investigation of CuMn2O4 Spinel Catalyst Upon Reduction and Subsequent Reoxidation
Zintler, Alexander TEM Investigation of Oxygen-Engineered TiN/HfO2-Based RRAM Devices
Name Subject
Christmann, Anja Synthesis and Characterization of Patternable Sol-Gel Systems via UV Nanoimprint Lithography
Höner, Miriam Stability Model for Novel Bone Cement
Kim, Young-Mi Electron Microscopy Study on the Domain Configuration of Lanthanum- and Iron-doped PZT Ceramics in the Region of the Morphotropic Phase Boundary
Rohm, Melanie Gold Decoration of CdSe/CdS Hetero-Nanostructures – Synthesis and Electron Microscopic Studies
Schulz, Alexandra Exaggerated Grain Growth in the Mineral Bixbyite
Stricker-Müller, Mathis M. Sintering Mechanisms in Li-doped Mg-Al-Spinel
Warmbier, Moritz Critical Parameters of a Novel Bone Cement
Wiesemann, David Characterization and Elaboration of Methods to Distinguish the Pyroxenoids Rhodonite and Pyroxmangite
Wüst, Holger Crystallization Investigation on Thin Insulation Layers
Name Subject
Bonmassar, Nicolas Design and Atomic Scale Characterization of Complex Oxide Interfaces
Detemple, Eric Investigation of the Atomic and Electronic Structure of Perovskite Multilayer Heterostructures
Fetzer, Ann-Kathrin Microstrucural Characterization of Ferroelectric (Na1/2B1/2)TiO3-BaTiO3 Ceramics via Transmission Electron Microscopy
Götz, Emilia
Guo, Surong Characterization of Surface Plasmons and Toroidal Moments Using Relativistic Electrons
Hapis, Stefania Pair-Distribution Functions of Polymer-Derived Ceramic Glasses Obtained by Electron Diffraction
Kling, Jens Structure Investigations of Lead-free Ferroelectrics via TEM
Lingstädt, Robin Plasmonic Phenomena in Multi-Dimensional Nanostructures Characterized Using Advanced Electron Microscopy
Mu, Xiaoke TEM Study of the Structural Evolution of Ionic Solids from Amorphous to Polycrystalline Phases in the Case of Alkaline Earth Difluoride Systems
Necke, Tobias Lithium Extraction via Mechanochemical Treatment of End-of-Life Glass-Ceramics and Lithium Silicate Minerals
Nonnenmacher, Katharina Microstructure Characterization of Hafnium-Modified, Polymer-Derived SiOC- and SiCN Ceramics
Özsoy Keskinbora, Cigdem Recovering Low Spatial Frequency Phase Information by Electron Holography: Challenges, Solution and Application to Materials Science
Peter, Johannes The Microstructure and Phase Evolution of Pseudomorphic Polymer-derived Ceramic Papers
Purwin, Horst Temperature in the CaO-FeO-Fe2O3-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 System: Implications for the Garnet-Clinopyroxene Geothermometry
Riekehr, Lars Degradation of Li-rich xLi2MnO3:(1-x) Li(Ni1/3Co1/3Mn1/3)O2 Nanocomposites as Active Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Rubat du Merac, Marc Interfaces in Transparent Polycrystalline MgAl2O4 Spinel
Scherrer, Michael TEM-Investigation of Defect Structures in Poly-crystalline Ceramic Materials
Schlosser, Margarete Vapor Transport Sintering of Calcium Phosphate Ceramics
Schultheiß, Stefanie Pseudomorphic Mineral Conversion of Calcite, Dolomite, Magnesite and Witherite
Simsek, Ekin Sanli Microstructure Evolution and In/Ga Interdiffusion of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin Films for Solar Cell Applications
Stricker, Kerstin
Stricker-Müller, Mathis M. Microstructural Investigation of Functionally Graded ZrB2-Based Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics
Suyolcu, Y. Eren Atomic-Scale Control and Characterization of Oxide Heterostructures: Correlating Interfacial Structure and Novel Functionalities
Trapp, Max Piezotronic Bicrystals and Hexagonal Nano-Platelets: A TEM Study on Structure and Chemistry of Functionalized Zinc Oxide
Tyutyunnikov, Dimity Data Acquisition for 3D Strain Mapping in TEM
Vats, Nilesh Atomic-Scale Investigation of Structure and Electron-Beam Induced Transformation of Beam-Sensitive Molecules
Wittich, Carolin CH3NH3PbI3 Perowskite Thin Film Solar Cells; Synthesis Parameters and Structural Characterization
Wu, Yu-Mi Unveiling Electronic Structure Evolution in Complex Oxides: Tuning Charge, Spin and Structural Order
Yang, Chao Characterization of Atomic Structure and Electrostatic Characteristic in Complex Oxides by 4D-STEM and STEM-EELS
Zakhozheva, Marina In situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Studies of the Microstructure Evolution in Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3-x(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 Piezoceramics
Zhou, Dan Aberration-Corrected Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy of Light Elements in Complex Oxides: Application and Methodology
Zintler, Alexander Electrical Biasing In Situ TEM of Hafnia-Based RRAM Devices
Name Subject
Duerrschnabel, Michael Investigation of the Atomic Structure of Permanent Magnets via HR-STEM
Molina-Luna, Leopoldo In Situ / Operando Transmission Electron Microscopy on the Atomic Level
Schmitt, Ljubomira Ana TEM Investigation of the Domain Configuration in
Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 Ceramics in the Region of the Morphotropic Phase Boundary
Sethmann, Ingo Formation Mechanisms of Calcium Phosphate Plaques and Attached Calcium Oxalate Kidney Stones