Photo Name Contact
Prof. Dr. Christoph Schüth
Vice dean
+49 6151 16-22090
B2|02 228
Associated Professors and Honorary Professors
Prof. Dr. Randolf Rausch
Associated Lecturers
PD Dr. Paul Königer
030 36993 212
Scientific Staff
Dr. Ina Lewin
B2|01 129
Dr. Nils Michelsen
+49 6151 16-22093
B2|02 220
AOR Dr. Thomas Schiedek
+49 6151 16-20635
B2|02 205
Dr. Stephan Schulz
Research Group Leader
+49 6151 16-22092
B2|02 218
PhD Students
M.Sc. Berhane Abrha Asfaw
+49 6151 16-22095
B2|02 230
M.Sc Matthias Bockstiegel
B2/02 230
Selina Hillmann M.Sc.
B2|02 230
M.Sc. Marcel Horovitz
M.Sc. Abidur Khan
M.Sc. Michaela Laxander
M.Sc. Edinsson Munoz Vega
+49 6151 16-22094
B2|02 220
M.Sc. Fahim Rabby Hossain
+49 6151 16-22094
B2|02 220
M.Sc. Muhammad Raza
+49 6151 16-22094
B2|02 220
M.Sc. Juan Carlos Richard Cerda
+49 6151 16-22092
B2|02 218
Dipl.-Ing. Anja Wolf
José Manuel Zolezzi Lopez M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-22094
B2|02 220
Administrative / Technical Staff
Claudia Cosma
+49 6151 16-22082
B2|02 20
Maia Dolidze
+49 6151 16-22091
B2|02 244
Zahra Neumann
+49 6151 16-22082
B2|02 20
M.Sc. Stefanie Schmidt
+49 6151 16-22082
B2|02 20
Photo Name Working area(s) Contact
External Lecturers
Prof. Dr. Christoph Külls
Tracer Hydrology
Guest Scientists
Prof. Dr. Adnan Hassan Afaj
Stable Isotope Geochemistry , Medical geochemistry , Surface and Ground water Pollution , Geochemistry of Carbonate Rocks, Geochemistry of Recent Sediments , Air pollution studies , Using GIS technique in environmental studies.
+49 6151 16-23600
B2|01 216
Photo Name Working area(s) Contact
Former Staff
Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Balke †
Hydrogeology, Well Construction
Rainer Brannolte
M.Sc. Tsegaye Mekuria Checkol
Dr. Engy El Haddad
Dr. habil. Irina Engelhardt
Groundwater recharge in thick vadose zones and groundwater management in arid regions, Estimation of the river infiltration into the groundwater using environmental tracers, Inverse modeling of unsaturated flow at laboratory scale, Modeling of groundwater flow and transport processes in porous and fractured media at regional scale, Modeling of thermal-hydraulic-mechanical processes in swelling clays
Dr. Sahand Farhang Darehshouri
+49 6151 16-22094
B2|02 220
Dr. Suraiya Fatema
Dr. Laura Foglia
Dr. Christoph Kludt
Hydrogeochemistry (denitrification in groundwater), Exchange processes between groundwater and surface water (natural tracers, drug degradation)
Dr. Aili Li
Dr. Andres Marandi
Dr. Heike Pfletschinger
Dr. Wei Qu
Dr. Jean-Jacques Rahobisoa
M.Sc. Mustafe Reshid
Isotope and hydrochemistry applications in arid zone hydrogeology , Groundwater recharge estimation using isotopic and geophysical techniques, TDR for unsaturated zone moisture content measurements
Dr. Layth Sahib
Geomorphology, Remote sensing imaging, GIS techniques
Dr. Inga Schreiter
Dr. Matthew Silver
Geochemical processes of infiltrating water in arid environments during managed aquifer recharge Vadose zone hydrology and reactive transport of chemical species in groundwater
Dr. Susanne Stadler
Isotope Hydrology and Hydrogeochemistry
M.Sc. Anja Tögl
Dr. Annette Wefer-Roehl