Prof. Dr. Christoph Schüth
work +49 6151 16-22090
fax +49 6151 16-23601
B2|02 228
Schnittspahnstr. 9
born 1962 in Warstein
Academic Education
School leaving examination, Aldegrever Gymnasium Soest, Germany
1981 - 1987
Studies of Geology University of Marburg, Germany
Diploma in Geology
Civil Service in the Bremen Environmental Institute, Germany
PhD student at the chair of Applied Geology, University of Tübingen, Germany
PhD in Applied Geology.
Professional Career
PostDoc, Department of Civil- and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University, USA
PostDoc at the Center for Applied Geosciences, University of Tübingen, Germany
Research Assistant at the Center for Applied Geosciences, University of Tübingen, Germany.
Habilitation at the University of Tübingen, Germany
since 2005
Full Professor for Hydrogeology at the Institute for Applied Geosciences, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
since 2008
Vice-Dean, Department of Materials- and Geosciences, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany.
since 2010
Scientific Director, IWW Water Centre, Mülheim/Ruhr, Germany
since 2014
Scientific Director, for MARSOL, Research project in the Mediterranean: 5.2 million euros. (opens in new tab)
Selected Publications
2021 / in press
1. Pouliaris, C., Foglia, L., Schüth, C., Kallioras, A. (2021): Groundwater flow calibration of a coastal multilayer aquifer system based on statistical sensitivity analysis. Environmental Modelling & Assessment (in press)
2. Schubert, M., Michelsen. N., Schmidt, A., Eichenauer, L., Knöller, K., Arakelyan, A., Harutyunyan, L., Schüth, C. (2021): Age and origin of groundwater resources in the Ararat valley, Armenia: A baseline study applying hydrogeochemistry and environmental tracers. Hydrogeology Journal, 29, 7.
3. Schulz, S., Becker, R., Richard-Cerda, JC., Usman, M., aus der Beek, T., Merz, R., Schüth, C. (2021): Estimating water balance components in irrigated agriculture using a combined approach of soil moisture and energy balance monitoring, and numerical modeling. Hydrological Processes, 35, 3.
4. Zeinab A., Vaezihir, A., Schüth, C. Zarrini, G. (2021): Combination of zeolite barrier and bio sparging techniques to enhance efficiency of organic hydrocarbon remediation in a model of shallow groundwater. Chemosphere, 273.
5. Bernstein, A., Studny, R., Shyntychea, V., Kurtzman, D., Ganot, Y., Katz, Y., Abrha, B., Sakaguchi-Söder, K., Schüth, C., Siebner, H. (2020): Low trihalomethanes formation during managed aquifer recharge with chlorinated desalinated water. Water, 12, 3.
6. Abrha, B., Sakaguchi‐Söder, K., Bernstein, A., Siebner, H., Schüth, C. (2020): Optimization of compound‐specific chlorine stable isotope analysis of chloroform using Taguchi design of experiments. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectroscopy. 34, 22.
7. Darehshouria S., Michelsen N., Schüth C., Schulz S. (2020): A low-cost environmental chamber to simulate warm climatic conditions. Vadose Zone Journal, 19.
8. Akter, S., Ahmed, K.R., Marandi, A., Schüth, C. (2020): Possible factors for increasing water salinity in an embanked coastal island in the southwest Bengal Delta of Bangladesh. The Science of the Total Environment, 713.
9. Schulz, S., Darehshouri, S., Hassanzadeh, E., Tajrishy, M., Schüth, C. (2020): Climate change or irrigated agriculture – what drives the water level decline of Lake Urmia. Scientific Reports, 10, 236.
10. Khan, A., Michelsen, N., Marandi, A., Hossain, R., Hossain, M.A., Roehl, K.A., Zahid, A., Hassan, M.Q., Schüth, C. (2020): Processes controlling the extent of groundwater pollution with chromium from tanneries in the Hazaribagh area, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Science of the Total Environment, 710.
11. Schreiter, I., Schmidt, W., Kumar, A., Graber, E.R., Schüth, C. (2020): Effect of water leaching on biochar properties and its impact on organic contaminant sorption. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 691-703.
12. Laxander, M., Schmidt, S., Schüth, C., Schiedek, T. (2020): PAK- und PCB-Deposition in zwei alpinen Gebieten. Grundwasser, 25, 81-92.
13. Kumar, A., Joseph, S., Tsechansky, L., Schreiter I., Schüth, C., Taherysoosavi, S., Mitchell, D.R.G., Graber, E.L. (2020): Mechanistic evaluation of biochar potential for plant growth promotion and alleviation of chromium-induced phytotoxicity in Ficus elastica. Chemosphere, 243.
14. Islam, M.M., Marandi, A., Fatema, S., Zahid, A., Schüth, C. (2019): The evolution of the groundwater quality in the alluvial aquifers of the south-western part of Bengal Basin, Bangladesh. Environmental Earth Sciences, 78, 705.
15. Becker, R., Koppac, A., Schulz, S., Usman, M., aus der Beek, T., Schüth, C. (2019): Spatially distributed model calibration of a highly managed hydrological system using remote sensing-derived ET data. Journal of Hydrology, 577.
16. Li, A., aus der Beek, T., Schubert, M., Yu, Z., Schiedek, T., Schüth, C. (2019): Sedimentary Archive of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Perylene Sources in the Northern Part of Taihu Lake, China. Environmental Pollution, 246, 198-206.
17. Barbagli, A., Jensen, B.M., Raza, M., Schüth, C., Rosetto, R. (2019): Assessment of soil buffer capacity on nutrients and pharmaceuticals in nature-based solution applications. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26, 759-774.
18. Silver, M., Knöller K., Schlögel, J., Kübeck, C., Schüth, C. (2018): Nitrogen cycling and origin of ammonium during infiltration of treated wastewater for managed aquifer recharge. Applied Geochemistry, 97, 71-80.
19. Silver, M., Selke, S., Balsaa, P., Wefer-Roehl, A., Kübeck, C., Schüth, C. (2018): Fate of five pharmaceuticals under different infiltration conditions for managed aquifer recharge. The Science of the Total Environment, 642, 914-924.
20. Rodríguez-Escales, P., Canelles, A., Sanchez-Vila, X., Folch, A., Kurtzman, D., Rossetto, R., Fernández-Escalante, E., Lobo-Ferreiro, J.-P., Sapiano, M., San-Sebastián, J., Schüth, C. (2018): A risk assessment methodology to evaluate the risk failure of Managed Aquifer Recharge in Mediterranean basin, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22, 3213-3227.
21. Wächter, J., Lehnè, R., Prein, A., Hoselmann, C., Schüth, C. (2018): Zusammenführung von Bohrschichtinformationen zur bundes-länderübergreifenden 3D-Modellierung im nördlichen Oberrheingraben. Grundwasser, 23, 337-346.
22. Michelsen, N., Roßmann, Y., Bauer, I., van Geldern, R., Schulz, S., Barth, J.A.C., Schüth, C. (2018): Comparison of precipita-tion collectors used in isotope hydrology. Chemical Geology, 488, 171-179.
23. Schreiter, I., Schmidt, W., Schüth, C. (2018): Sorption mechanisms of chlorinated hydrocarbons on biochar produced from different feedstocks: Conclusions from single and bi-solute experiments. Chemosphere, 203, 34-43.
24. Pouliaris, C., Peridikaki, M., Foglia, L., Schüth, C., Kallioras, A. (2018): Hydrodynamic analysis of a Mediterranean aquifer system with the use of hydrochemical and isotopical analysis as supporting tools. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77, 237.
25. Hollert, H., Crawford, S.E., Brack, W. et al. (2018): Looking back - Looking forward: A novel multi-time slice weight-of-evidence approach for defining reference conditions to assess the impact of human activities on lake systems. The Science of the Total Environment, 626, 1036-1046.
26. Kumar, A., Joseph, S., Tsechansky L., Privat, K., Schreiter, I.J., Schüth, C., Graber, E.R., (2018): Biochar aging in contaminated soil promotes Zn immobilization due to changes in biochar surface structural and chemical properties. The Science of the Total Environment, 626, 953-961.
27. Fatema, S., Marandi, A., Zahid, A., Hassan, M.Q., Hossain, A., Schüth, C. (2018): Seawater intrusion caused by unmanaged groundwater uses in a coastal tourist area, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Environmental Earth Sciences. 77, 75.
28. Nauditt, A., Soulsby, C., Birkel, C., Rusman, A., Schüth, C., Ribbe, L., Álvarez, P., Kretschmer, N. (2017): Using synoptic tracer surveys to assess runoff sources in an Andean headwater catchment in central Chile. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189, 9, 440-457.
29. Md Bayzidul, I., A.B.M., F., Foglia, L., Marandi, A., Rahman Khan, A., Schüth, C., Ribbe, L. (2017): Regional groundwater flow model for sustainable groundwater resource management in a south Asian Megacity Dhaka, Bangladesh. Hydrogeology Journal, 25, 3, 617-637.
30. Schulz, S., Walther, M., Michelsen, N., Rausch, R., Dirks, H., Al-Saud, M., Merz, R., Kolditz, O., Schüth, C. (2017): Improving large-scale groundwater models by considering fossil gradients. Adv. in Water Resources, 99, 38-52.
31. Jang, E., He, W., Savoy, H., Dietrich, P., Kolditz, O., Rubin, J., Schüth, C., Kalbacher, T. (2017): Identifying the influential aquifer heterogeneity factor on nitrate reduction processes by numerical simulation. Adv. in Water Resources, 99, 38-52.
32. Kludt, C., Weber, F.-A., Bergmann, A., Bertold, G., Knöller, K., Schüth, C. (2016): Identifizierung der Nitratabbauprozesse und Prognose des Nitratabbaupotentials in den Sedimenten des Hessischen Rieds. Grundwasser, 21, 227-241.
33. Michelsen, N., Dirks, H., Schulz, S., Kempe, S., Al-Saud, M., Schüth, C. (2016): YouTube as a crowd-generated water level archive. The Science of the Total Environment, 568, 189-195.
34. Kallioras, A., Khan, A., Piepenbrink, M., Pfletschinger, H., Königer, P., Dietrich, P., Schüth, C. (2016): Time-domain reflectometry probing systems for the monitoring of hydrological processes in the unsaturated zone. Hydrogeology Journal, 24, 1297-1309.
35. Schulz, S., Michelsen., N., Rooij, G.H., Rausch, R., Siebert, C., Schüth, C., Al-Saud, M., Merz., R. (2016): Estimating groundwater recharge for an arid karst system using a combined approach of time lapse camera monitoring and water balance modelling. Hydrological Processes, 30, 771-782.
36. Sahib, L.Y., Marandi, A., Schüth, C. (2016): Strontium isotopes as an indicator for groundwater salinity sources in the Kirkuk region, Iraq. The Science of the Total Environment, 562, 935-945.