Institute of Applied Geosciences
Tropical Hydrogeology and Environmental Engineering (M. Sc.)
The Master of Science Course “Tropical Hydrogeology and Environmental Engineering” (TropHEE) aims at combining a comprehensive understanding of geoscientific fundamentals with a specific focus on issues of application that are essential in hydrogeology and environmental management. In particular, TropHEE concentrates on methods and modern techniques enabling the participants to find ways for a sustainable development of tropical and subtropical countries from a geoscientific point of view. Although in the broader framework of international development cooperation, TropHEE offers a comprehensive, research-oriented education in Hydrogeology and Environmental Geosciences and Engineering on Master level.
I am grateful for the opportunity to study Hydrogeology and Environmental Engineering as a Master's degree at one of the world ranking universities, the TU Darmstadt. Selecting the international study programme TropHEE is the best decision I have made to expand my knowledge on key aspects of groundwater geology for my career path.