Institute of Applied Geosciences
At our institute, the core topics "Water – Energy – Environment" are studied in depth in lectures, in the laboratory and during excursions and field exercises in Germany and abroad. In addition, the English-language Master's programme TropHEE underlines the international orientation of our institute.
The possibilities within a technical university like the TU Darmstadt offer the ideal environment for application-oriented research study programmes. The aim of the courses offered at the IAG is to train geoscientists who are able to work independently scientifically and to meet the high demands in the various professional fields in industry, administration, research and teaching. In our consecutive bachelor's/master's programme “Applied Geosciences”, the focus is on hydrogeology, engineering geology, geothermal energy, sedimentology, environmental and applied mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, and aerosol and atmospheric research. Our English-language international master's programme “TropHEE” focuses on hydrogeological and environmental engineering topics.