SKEWS – Seasonal crystalline borehole thermal energy storage

Project Information

As part of the research project at the Lichtwiese campus of the Technical University of Darmstadt four 750 m deep borehole heat exchangers will be drilled within a distance of 5 m to build the world's first medium-deep borehole energy storage. The storage system will undergo a 1.5-year test cycle to simulate a seasonal heat supply via mobile heaters and mobile cooling devices. The project’s goal is to demonstrate the buildability and operability of such systems and to verify the operation and design routines. An enlargement of the plant for an economic operation is already in the planning.

A continuous thermal and hydrochemical monitoring will be carried out via three nearby wells during the building and operating phase to quantify the systems impact on the near surface aquifer. The operating and monitoring results will be used to improve and validate existing numeric simulation tools.


SKEWs is the world's first medium-deep borehole thermal energy storage system. It is currently part of several projects, including PUSH-IT, EnEffCampus, and HOCLOOP. Additionally, SKEWs helps raise societal awareness about thermal energy.

Here are some photos from SKEWs.

Scientific publications from SKEWs project

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  Name Contact
Matthias Krusemark M. Sc.
+49 6151 16-21806
L6|01 13
Picture: Lukas Seib
Lukas Seib M. Sc.
+49 6151 16-25675
L6|01 13
Picture: Riachrd van Deursen
Markus Schedel M. Sc.
+49 6151 16-23138
B2|02 129

Further Information

  • Funding period: From 01.09.2021 to 30.06.2026
  • Grant Authorities: BMWK
  • Project partners: . Anger’s Söhne Bohr- und Brunnenbaugesellschaft mbH, Handke Brunnenbau GmbH, Geotechnisches Umweltbüro Lehr, Step Oiltools GmbH
  • Associated Partners: Leibniz-Institut für Angewandte Geophysik (LIAG)---Hessian Agency for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology (HLNUG), HeidelbergCement AG, Frank GmbH, NKT Photonics GmbH, Dezernat Bau und technischer Betrieb der TU Darmstadt

Actual daily activities at the project site