Latest News from our Institute
Article published on small-scale plastic fluxes in rivers
Spatio-temporal dynamics of (micro)plastic transport in low-order rivers
Picture: Klaus MaiPicture: Klaus Mai
Athene Department Award for Good Teaching to Jürgen Mutzl and Dr. Kai Nitzsche
The institute congratulates the two award winners
Award given on the TU's annual Teaching Day on November 20, 2024, for the 'Project Seminar' in the international master's program TropHEE – Innovative teaching format for technical and interdisciplinary skills.
The Institute mourns the loss of Professor Dr. Hans-Joachim Kleebe
* 25.08.1956 † 04.10.2024
Bild: Ashish RajyaguruBild: Ashish Rajyaguru
Dr. Rajyaguru Career Bridging Grant postdoc
The Institute of Applied Geosciences welcomes Dr. Ashsih Rajyaguru!
Picture: Angewandte GeothermiePicture: Angewandte Geothermie
Annual meeting of the Push-It project at the IAG
Piloting underground storage of heat in geothermal reservoirs
The annual meeting of the Push-It project (Piloting underground storage of heat in geothermal reservoirs) took place in Darmstadt on 19 and 20 September.
Picture: Alexandra FoetischPicture: Alexandra Foetisch
Short-Term Scientific Mission in Sicily
Implementation of Raman spectroscopy on micro- and nano-plastic analysis in the SMSC lab – Collaborative mission at the CNR-ICPF NanoSoftLab
Alexandra Foetisch, a researcher at TU Darmstadt’s Soil Mineralogy and Soil Chemistry (SMSC) Lab, has returned from a productive Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM) at the NanoSoftLab of Italy’s CNR-ICPF, where she learned the application of Raman spectroscopy techniques for micro- and nanoplastic analysis. This collaborative mission, made possible through the PRIORITY COST Action, aimed to add state-of-the-art Raman scattering methods to TU Darmstadt’s tools allowing to identify and analyze environmental micro- and nanoplastics.
Picture: Julian BornemannPicture: Julian Bornemann
Article published!
New method developed for identifying tire wear particles in soil using optical microscopy and machine learning
Picture: Moritz BigalkePicture: Moritz Bigalke
Project start IsoMulch
The aim of the project is to investigate biodegradable mulch films and the effects of released carbon
The ‘IsoMulch’ project, funded by the RMU Initiative Fund for Research, starts in cooperation between the Department of Soil Mineralogy and Soil Chemistry (IAG) and the Soil Geography and Ecosystem Research Group (Goethe University Frankfurt).
Picture: Dr. Karsten Reiter / IAGPicture: Dr. Karsten Reiter / IAG
Review of the IAG Graduation Party – 12.07.2024
This year, our graduation ceremony again took place in the IAG premises and in the outdoor area of the institute, in pleasant weather and without the rain that had been forecast.
The Institute of Applied Geosciences regularly holds its graduation ceremony for our graduates in July, on the penultimate Friday of the summer semester lecture period. In a festive setting, we celebrate their successful graduation and their entry into a new phase of life together with family members and friends, employees, students, and alumni.
Bild: Christopher AdolphBild: Christopher Adolph
Bundesverband Geothermie ehrt „Jungwissenschaftlerin 2023“
Dr. Leandra Weydt als Nachwuchswissenschaftlerin 2023 des Bundesverbandes Geothermie e.V. geehrt
Im Rahmen des diesjährigen Deutschen Geothermiekongresses wurde Frau Dr. Leandra Weydt für ihre Arbeiten im Bereich der Reservoircharakterisierung vom Bundesverband Geothermie e.V. als „Jungwissenschaftlerin 2023“ ausgezeichnet.
Bild: Andy GreenBild: Andy Green
Hans-Cloos-Preis für Darmstädter Geowissenschaftlerin
Auszeichnung für Dr. Michaela Falkenroth
Dr. Michaela Falkenroth aus dem Fachgebiet Angewandte Sedimentgeologie hat anlässlich der Tagung GeoBerlin 2023, 2.-7. September 2023, den Hans-Cloos-Preis 2023 der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft – Geologischen Vereinigung (DGGV) erhalten.
Picture: Matthias BockstiegelPicture: Matthias Bockstiegel
Installation of soil monitoring stations for solute transport processes
As part of the WaRM project, five groundwater monitoring stations are in operation.