
Thesis of the Applied Sedimentary Geology

Here you will find a list of all theses currently offered in the Applied Sedimentary Geology department. In most cases, these are suitable for both the bachelor's and master's degrees.

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Provenienz der Sandsteine im mittel- und süddeutschen Rotliegend, Buntsandstein, Keuper und Jura
Fingerprinting von äolischen und fluviatilen Sedimenten
Klima und Flusssediment-Petrographie in Äthiopien
Klima und Flusssediment-Petrographie in Namibia
Untersuchungen zum Paläoklima des Miozäns und Pliozäns im Oberrheingraben anhand von Forschungsbohrungen
Rekonstruktionen von quartären Paläomeeresspiegeln anhand von beachrocks und anderen geomorphologischen Landformen im Oman
Mikrofaziesanalyse an quartären Sturmarchiven in Südafrika
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Statistisch-palynologische Untersuchen zur Paläoökologie der kohleführenden Schichten der untereozänen Schöningen Formation in der Westmulde des Helmstedter Braunkohlenreviers (Niedersachsen)
Statistisch-palynologische Bearbeitung von miozänen Sedimenten aus der Bohrung Hartousov F3 aus dem Cheb-Becken (Tschechien)
Biostratigraphische und paläoökologische Bearbeitung von pliozänen Sedimenten aus der Bohrung Riedstadt
Statistisch-Palynologische Untersuchungen zur morpholgischen Diversität verschiedener fossiler Pollengattungen
Palynologische Untersuchungen zur Paläoökologie von mitteleozänen Sedimenten aus dem Geiseltal (Sachsen-Anhalt)
Palynologische Untersuchungen zur Paläoökologie/Paläoklima von holozänen Sedimenten aus den Layla Lakes (Saudi-Arabien)
Zyklenanalyse an laminierten Sedimenten aus der Hirlatzhöhle (Österreich)
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Chemische Verwitterungsprozesse in einem bewaldeten Einzugsgebiet
Einfluss von Löss auf die Hydrochemie in der Umgebung von Darmstadt
Hydrochemie und chemische Verwitterung von Basalten auf Madeira
Schwermineralspektren der Dhruma-Minjur-Formation und Radioaktivität im Grundwasser (Saudi Arabien)
REE als Tracer für chemische Verwitterungsprozesse
PAK Konzentrationen in Böden Perus und Bolivien
PAK Konzentrationen in Böden Namibias
PAK Konzentrationen in Seesedimenten und Rekonstruktion des anthropogenen Einflusses
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Quantifizierung von turbulenten versus laminaren Fließzuständen bei Gas-Permeametermessungen
Quantifizierung der Heterogenität und Anisotropie der scheinbaren Permeabilität von Buntsandstein und Muschelkalk auf der sub-Meter Skala
Kalibrierung mobiler XRF-Geräte (pXRF) für spezifische Gesteinsklassen (aktuell Gips)
Vergleich einer Aufschlusswand mit Georadar und scherwellenseismischen Profilen und Quantifizierung der Reservoirarchitektur
Reservoircharakterisierung eines distalen fluviatilen Ablagerungsraums (Stubensandstein, SW-Deutschland)
Coastal onlap Kartierung und Sedimentdynamik in Unterwasser-Georadarprofilen des Bodensees
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Entwicklung eines Sensors und eines Auswertealgorythmus für Porosität über Gamma-Dichte aus pXRF-Spektren oder einer 137Cs-Quelle
Messgeräte- und Sensorprogrammierung mit Labview
Künstliche Intelligenz für Lithofazies- und Radarfaziescharakterisierungen
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Monitoring von experimentell angelegten forensischen Fundstellen mit Geomagnetischen Verfahren
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Petrographie und Geochemie von Metabasiten im variszischen Gebirge /
Detritische Zirkon-Geochronologie von Para-Gesteinen im variszischen Gebirge /
Geologische Geländeaufnahmen im varizischen Grundgebirge der Alpen /
Petrographie und Geochemie von Paragesteinen im Odenwald /
Kartierung und Petrographie der „Graphitquarzite“ im Odenwald /
Ermittlung der Metamorphose im Odenwald anhand der Granatgeochemie in Flusssedimenten / Prof. Dr. Laura Stutenbecker

Thesis of the TropHEE Master’s course

In addition to the final theses in applied geosciences, the department also offers master's theses for the TropHEE course. These are shown in the list below.

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Sediment core logging including physical and chemical measurements
Climate and river sediment composition in Ethiopia
Climate and river sediment petrography in Namibia
Improvement of Heavy Mineral separation techniques /
Reconstruction of quaternary paleo sea levels based on beachrock and other geomorphological landforms in Oman
Microfacies analysis on cemented quaternary tempestites in South Africa
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Paynological studies on the paleoecology and paleoclimate of lignite-bearing successions in the Lower Eocene Schöningen Formation (Helmstedt Lignite Mining district, Lower Saxony)
Paynological studies on the paleoecology and paleoclimate of lignite-bearing successions in the Middle Eocene Geiseltal (Saxony-Anhalt)
Palynological analysis of Miocene sediments from the Hartousov F3 core in the Cheb Basin (Czech Republic)
Statistical-palynological studies on the morphological diversity of different fossil pollen genera
Cycle analysis from laminated cave sediments using thin section micrifacies and time series analysis
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Hydrochemistry and chemical weathering of basalts on Madeira Island
Heavy mineral spectra of the Dhruma-Minjur Formation and implications for radioactivity in groundwater (Saudi Arabia)
REE as tracers for chemical weathering processes
PAH concentrations in soils of Peru and Bolivia
PAH concentrations in soils of Namibia
PAH concentrations in lake sediments for evaluating history of human impact
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Calibration of handheld XRF-devices (pXRF) for distinct rock-types
Determining porosity from energy-dispersive XRF spectra using compton scattering and element spectra

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Concluded theses

Boateng, D. (2023): Separation and isotopic composition of carbonate fractions in unconsolidated clastic sediment
Harris, J. (2023): Historical pollution with heavy metals from soils around the old town of Bad Waldsee
Gutermann, L. (2023): Historical pollution with heavy metals from soils around the old town of Bad Waldsee
Ries, B. (2023): Geological, geophysical and hydrogeological exploration of the Pleistocene/Pliocene boundary at an industrial site in southern Hesse
Ayushi, J. (2023): Stabilization and maintenance of soil organic matter through diversification measures in agricultural landscapes
Abendong, A. (2023): Sphagnum diversity in lower Eocene peat forming environments at the edge of the southern proto-North Sea (Helmstedt, Northern Germany) – A statistical analysis
Abdulateff, I. (2023): Palynological study of seams 5& 6 and related interbeds of the lower Eocene Schöningen Formation (Helmstedt Lignite Mining District, Northern Germany)
Krishna, D. (2023): People Perception towards Urban Green Spaces using Public Participatory GIS: An assessment reflecting individual behaviour in the neighbourhood of Herrngarten Darmstadt, Germany
Beck, M. (2023): Geochemical investigations on metabasites in the northern Bergsträßer Odenwald
Rein, L. (2023): Exploration of a prominent Rhenish fault zone in the Bergsträßer Odenwald with geophysics and radon measurements
Göbl, M. (2023): Geochemical investigations on metabasites in the central and southern Bergsträßer Odenwald
Diehl, C. (2023): Provenance of Old Paleozoic diamictites in the southern Black Forest: petrography, geochemistry and U-Pb zircon chronology
Kettner, L. (2023): Palynological investigations on the stratigraphy and paleoecology of Miocene sediments from the Maarsee of Bärnau (Upper Palatinate, Bavaria)
Ul-Haq, I. (2023): Trace element fractionation controlled by chemical weathering in tropical rivers of Uganda
Girja, J. (2023): Chemistry of modern river sands and waters in the Alps – control of lithology and grain size
Speh, P. (2022): Heavy mineral analysis of the upper Zechstein (z5 – z7) in boreholes 0213 GK Braunsen, Burgjoß, , Gelnhaar, Langenthal BK 2/05 and Rosenthal 1001
Miller, M. (2022): Dielectricity measurements of forensic materials as an aid to interpretation of georadar data
Schneider, M. (2022): Forensic characterization of the decomposition of pig carcasses based on monitoring by ground penetrating radar
Bakare-Bolaji, M. (2022): Apectodinium diversity in lower to middle Eocene brackish environments at the edge of the southern Proto-North Sea (Helmstedt, northern Germany) – a statistical approach
Huynh, Luong-Vi (2022): Development of a hydrological scenario for the risk assessment of plant protection products in the Wetter catchment area
Vogelbacher, A. (2022): Analysis of hydro-climatological trends and land use change impacts on water balance components in a watershed in Bolivia
Wunderlin, M. (2022): PAH and PCB in soils of Madeira
Uba, J. (2022): Palynological study of Seams 3 to 4 and related interbeds of the lower Eocene Schöningen Formation (Helmstedt Lignite Mining District, Northern Germany)
Wörl, D. (2022): Development of permeability measurement and surface scanning modules for a 3-D rock measurement robot (i-rock-reader)
Schmidt, L. (2022): Detrital garnet geochemistry on river sands from the Odenwald, Palatinate Forest and the Neckar catchment area
Meinaß, H.P. (2021): Structural geological investigations of the cadomian framework rocks of the Melibokus pluton, Bergsträßer Odenwald
Diekmeier, S. (2021): Palynological investigations on the paleoecology of the coal-bearing strata of the Middle Eocene Helmstedt Formation in the western basin of the Helmstedt lignite district (Lower Saxony)
Kraus, J. (2021): Petrographic and heavy mineralogical studies of river sands from the Kunene River basin in Namibia
Schwind, E. (2021): Temporal variability of sediment composition in rivers of the Odenwald region (Mümling, Gersprenz)
Maus, A. (2021): Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in soils of La Palma (Canary Islands)
Haas, J. (2021): Geostatistical simulation of lithological units and geothermal reservoir properties in the vicinity of the PostVariszian unconformity (Messel, Hesse)
Wajid, A.A. (2021): Sediment Source Apportionment in River Basins using RUSLE modeling, Remote Sensing, and Geochemistry: A case study from the Lower Kunene Catchment (Namibia/Angola)
Zheng, M. (2021): Palynological investigation of middle Eocene deposits from the former opencast mine Müncheln-Westfeld (Geiseltal, Saxony-Anhalt) –central partof the „Obere Mittelkohle”
Wolf, J. (2021): Petrography, Geochemistry and U-Pb zircon Chronology of Paleozoic (Meta)-Sediments in the northern Greywackezone (Austria)
Pelletier, N. (2021): Stable isotopes of detrital carbonate in the Neckar catchment area
Djahansouzi, A. (2021): Granulometric and lithological influences on the heavy mineral distributions in alpine river sands
Schroeder, N. (2021): Palynological studies on the composition and diversity of the Middle Eocene mangrove from Helmstedt (Lower Saxony)
Dilly, C. (2020): Hydrochemical characterization of the Neckar river from its source to its mouth
Dilly, C. (2020): Palynological studies on plant diversity in the intermediate resources of the Middle Eocene Wulfersdorfer seam group (Helmstedt formation, Helmstedt brown coal area, Lower Saxony)
Khullar, M. (2020): Geochemical and petrophysical logging of the well „Kraichgau 1002“ across the Permian-Triassic Boundary
Blattmann, M. (2020): Long-term effects of atmospheric deposits on the water quality in the low-buffered red sandstone Black Forest
Lukas, J. (2020): Sediment petrography, heavy mineral analyzes and detrital zirconium chronology on ancient Paleozoic sandstones in the Carnic Alps
Klaus, J. (2020): Palynological examinations of Middle Eocene deposits from the former open-cast lignite mine Müuellen-Westfeld (Geiseltal, Saxony-Anhalt) – hanging section of the Upper Middle Coal
Krieg, D. (2020): Detrital garnet geochemistry in the Swiss Molasse basin
Liao, Q. (2020): Isotope chemistry of carbonates in loess deposits of SW Germany
Alvarado, F. (2020): Detrital garnet chemistry on the Pfungstadt drill core, Upper Rhine graben
Busely, T. (2020): Material characterization in the subsurface by georadar, magnetics and geoelectrics using the example of Wolfskehlen Castle
Weis, A. (2020): Palynological studies on plant diversity in the Middle Eocene lignite from Helmstedt (Lower Saxony)
Connelly, B. (2020): Detrital garnet chemistry on the Viernheim drill core, Upper Rhine graben
Zur Hausen, P. (2020): Influence of the measurement conditions and measurement strategy on pXRF data (sandstones) and their correction using our own calibration standards
Atioda, S. (2019): Analysis of soil samples from the Fischbachtal to determine soil physical parameters and soil erosion parameters
Marcel, D. (2019): Palynological investigations on the stratigraphy and paleoecology of a core drilling from the Esperstedter Ried
Montag, M. (2019): Carbon isotopy in marine-terrestrial sediments from the Lower Eocene of the lignite mining area of ​​Helmstedt / Schöningen (Lower Saxony)
Hering, C. (2019): Sedimentology and heavy mineral management of the Mosbacher Sande (Wiesbaden)
Wiedemann, T. (2019): Sedimentology, geochemistry and isotopy of the Mosbacher Sands (Wiesbaden)
Sielemann, A. (2019): Carbonate and cycle analysis of the cerithia layers on the core BK 2/17, Frankfurt am Main
Robeneck, O. (2019): Hydraulic characterization of soils and creation of a pedotopological model in the Stettbachtal (Seeheim-Jugenheim, Odenwald)
Khan, F. (2019): Petrophysical analysis of the drill cores TB1 and TB2 in the Rotliegend Group (Lower Langen Formation), Sprendlinger Horst
Weber, M. (2019): Paleoenvironments during the Paleogene in the high arctic of Spitsbergen – Evidence from Sedimentology and Palynology
Wiesler, V. (2019): Qualification and visualization of the petrophysical heterogeneity and anisotropy of sandstone bodies of the Disibodenberg Formation (Rotliegend, Saar-Nahe basin)
Helmig, H. (2019): Stable isotope ratios of C, O and Sr in the carbonate fraction of late glacial dune sands in southern Hesse
Lutfi, M. (2019): Planning of UNRWA Refugees camps waste management system (Jordan)
Diekmeier, S. (2018): Analysis of plant diversity in the paleogene using the example of pollen from the Nypa palm from the Middle Eocene Helmstedt brown coal (Lower Saxony)
Dilewski, J. (2018): Rubble petrography of the Mannheim Formation in the gravel pits Bensheim and Waldsee (northern Upper Rhine Graben)
Larisch, M. (2018): Heavy mineral investigation on type rocks of the Odenwald
Legner, J. (2018): Small-scale relationships between porosity and permeability in shell limestone and red sandstone (Triassic, southern Germany)
Ölmez, J. (2018): Small-scale 3D anisotropy and facies-dependent heterogeneity of the permeability of bioclastic limestone (Muschelkalk, Würzburg)
Schwind, E. (2018): Heavy mineral analysis of the late Pleistocene dune sands near Bickenbach (South Hesse)
Wolf, J. (2018): U-Pb-Zirconium Chronology of Paleozoic Sandstones in the Eastern Alps
Felder, L.M: (2018): Analysis of the Pleistocene wind direction and wind strength in the northern Upper Rhine Rift on dune structures with the help of 3D georadar
Marx, A. (2018): Spatial-temporal variability of the hydrochemistry of flowing water and groundwater in the municipality of Seeheim-Jugenheim
Michael, T. (2018): Hydrochemical overview sampling and analysis of the water quality in the upper catchment area of the Gersprenz
Ngassam, P. (2018): Physical characterization of soils in Fischbachtal (Odenwald)
Schüle, D. (2018): Consumption of explosives during rock destruction – relationship between blasting and engineering geological parameters in limestone and sandstone
Kebte, Y.D. (2018): Comparison of two mwthods for heavy mineral extraction – centrifuge and gravity separation – with respect to yield, grain seize and exert
Wang, F. (2018): Preparation and analysis of H-and O- stable isotopes in sediment of the Cubango megafon, northern Namibia
Abramowski, A. (2017): Hydrochemical longitudinal profile of the Modau (Odenwald)
Krüger, P. (2017): Reconstruction of the Upper Oligocene paleoclimate in the Westerwald using leaf flora
Mutzl, J. (2017): Climate and vegetation dynamics during the Eocene greenhouse phase in Central Europe: Palynological investigations of the lacustrine sediments from the Maar lake of Groß Zimmern
Absolon, J. (2017): Inventory of the available hydrological-hydrochemical data and municipal water use in the upper Gersprenz catchment area
Habenberger, C. (2017): Creation of a geological 3D model for the near-surface subsurface of Darmstadt with the help of merged drilling databases
Noll, M. (2017): Gamma radiation and in-situ X-ray fluorescence analysis of the drill core WW203302 from the Cubango Megafan (Namibia)
Nowak, T. (2017): Genesis of saline groundwater in the Betancuria massif (Fuerteventura) – focus: focus: isotopy and marine influence
Borm, S. (2017): Soil-water interactions at two locations in Fischbachtal (Odenwald)
Horch, A. (2017): Genesis of saline groundwater in the Betancuria massif (Fuerteventura) – focus: nature and water-rock interaction
Atique, A. (2017): Mini permeability using geostatistical methods
Stickdorn, R. (2017): FE modeling of thermal and hydraulic processes in the vicinity of an underground power cable
Beck N. (2016): Climate-cyclical investigations on laminites of the Lower Werra anhydrite (Zechstein) from the Wrzésnia borehole, Poland, with the help of high-resolution time series analyzes
Zahn F. (2016): 3D seismic interpretation and structural analysis of relay ramps in the Otway Basin, Australia
Buchsteiner, J. (2016): Borehole geophysics and petrophysics of the core drilling Messel GA1 and GA2 at the post-Variscan discordance (Sprendlinger Horst)
Gühne, S. (2016): Petrography and petrophysics of the Rotliegend sediments of the Messel GA2 research well
Linsel, A. (2016): Lithological correlation, petrophysical characterization and 3D-modelling of Permian (Rotliegend) sediments and Variscan basement rocks at the post-Variscan nonconformity, Sprendlinger Horst, Germany
Kipp, J. (2016): Palynological investigation of the Lower to Middle Miocene sediments from the lignite opencast mine Berzdorf (Lausitz)
Lukas, J. (2016): Core documentation and sedimentology of the borehole BK 108 Immendingen (Miocene, Upper Freshwater Molasse)
Stühler, K. (2016): Cyclostratigraphy of the Lower Buntsandstein in the Hessian Senke with the help of numerical analysis of Gamma Ray Logs
Michels, A. (2016): Hydrochemical longitudinal profile of the mud (Odenwald)
Großkopf, F. (2016): Geological 3D modeling near Großkrotzenburg to determine the spatial position of groundwater sliders
Scheid, M. (2016): Small-scale 3D anisotropy and facies-dependent heterogeneity of the sediment permeability of a fluvial channel (Buntsandstein, Miltenberg)
Ströhlein, M. (2016): The Plant Repopulation of a Maar – Palynological Investigation of Sediments from the Eocene Lake of Offenthal (South Hesse)
Weber, M. (2016): 3D reservoir architecture of an alluvial level (Stubensandstein, Southwest German Keuperbecken)