
Here you will find a list of all modules from the Department of Applied Sediment Geology that are included in the Bachelor, including a brief description. For more information, please use the TUCaN portal and the module manual for the course.

The bachelor of the “Applied Geosciences” was introduced at the Technical University of Darmstadt in the 2008/09 winter semester and reaccredited for the 2014/15 winter semester. In this course of study you will learn the scientific basics in chemistry, mathematics and physics on which the geoscientific courses are based. In addition to the typical lectures at a university, the Bachelor of Applied Geosciences includes a variety of exercises, internships and field courses, which are intended to prepare you for your future career in the geoscientific fields of activity.

The module “Geology I” contains both a lecture part and an exercise part. The module deals with the exogenous geology and thus with the dynamics of the earth, the structure of the spheres, the cycle of rocks, exogenous processes, etc. At the end of the course you will acquire basic knowledge about the structure of the earth and the geological processes in space and time.

The module also includes the course Stratigraphy and Earth History, which is also divided into a lecture part and an exercise part and focuses on the Phanerozoic. In addition, knowledge of the geological time scale, the basic principles of stratigraphy, lithostratigraphy, the application in geological mapping, etc. are imparted. The aim of the module is to teach the students the most important time stamps in the history of the earth and the division of the international geological time table. In addition, the students acquire the ability to recognize important key fossils of the Phanerozoic and the associated fossil groups.

The module “Geology III” consists of three lecture parts, structural geology, sediment geology I and the geology of Germany. The module focuses on forces and tensions as well as deformation mechanisms, brittle tectonics, folds, but also sedimentary deposition spaces and their typical sedimentary facies on the glacial, fluvial, aeolian and marine level. The geology of Germany lecture focuses on the geological structure of Germany and the geological development of southern Germany.

In the “Proseminar for Applied Geosciences” module, the focus is on conveying the theoretical principles of scientific work. As part of an exercise and a presentation by the students, philosophical positions in the theory of science and practical aspects of scientific work are conveyed. The content learned is then practically reproduced in the presentation.

The module “ Field Exercises I” is divided into two multi-day off-road courses. First of the Field training I and the geological mapping course I. Both are important tools for the later profession and should convey the regional geology of central and southern Germany as well as orientation in the terrain with topographical maps and GPS to the students. Learning to create your own geological map with recording of outcrops is also part of the program. At the end, the knowledge is deepened through a detailed mapping report.

The “Field exercises II” module is the extension of the “Field Exercises I” module and also consists of a multi-day field trip as part of a mapping course. Here, the students should work out an in-depth geological survey of a site with complicated structures and special rock associations. The goal is again the elaboration of a geological map and the creation of a detailed mapping report.

The module “Field exercises III” is about excursions and off-road days, which must 6 days in total. The topics covered are general, regional and applied geology, in addition to the excursions and field exercises of the core area. The aim is to obtain in-depth geoscientific field work skills based on outcrops and terrain overviews.

The “Geophysics II” module is the geophysical field internship, which is divided into lectures and field days. Students get an introduction to the basics of geophysics and the measurement methods of electromagnetics, geoelectrics, geomagnetics and georadar.


Please note that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, curricula, stays, excursions, etc. had to change. Face-to-face teaching is not possible as usual. If you have any questions on this topic, please contact the Student Office.