Sedimentology and ecology of last interglacial shorelines in northeastern Oman

Applicant: PD Dr. habil. Gösta Hoffmann/Valeska Decker/Michaela Falkenroth

Funding: DFG Project 445959060, graduation funding RWTH Aachen

Person of Charge: Valeska Decker (RWTH Aachen), Dr. Michaela Falkenroth

Duration: since 2019


Several outcrops along the northeastern coastline of Oman that are the result of a last interglacial sea level highstand, potentially allow the reconstruction of short-term sea level fluctuations during MIS5e. A combination of dating and sedimentological observations is used to reconstruct the coastal evolution of the region.

Picture: Michaela Falkenroth

Dr. Michaela Falkenroth


work +49 6151 16-20633