
The Department of Applied Sediment Geology carries out a large number of dissertations as part of its projects. These are regionally, nationally and internationally involved and are carried out by an international team of doctoral students. During the multi-year process, the doctoral students have to independently work on the projects in the field, in the laboratory and at the institute and give several presentations within the working group, but also at the institute and at congresses.

Here you will find a list of current and completed dissertations:

Ph.D. thesis Person in charge
Heterogeneity and anisotropy in hydrogeothermal reservoirs – An example from the Innvervariscan Permocarboniferous Adrian Linsel
Sediments of two Gondwana glaciations in Ethiopia: Provenance of the Enticho Sandstone and the Edaga Arbi GlacialsSedimente zweier Gondwana-Gletscher in Äthiopien: Provenienz des Enticho-Sandsteins und der Edaga-Arbi-Gletscher Anna Lewin
Petrography, geochemistry and provenance of Saudi Arabian Palaeozoic sandstones Alexander Bassis
Paleogeographic and tectonic evolution of the western branch of the East African Rift System using mutiple provenance methods (Albertine Rift, Uganda) Sandra Schneider
Radiocarbon reservoir effects on shells from SE Arabia in the context of palaeoenvironmental studies Susanne Lindauer
Spatial Distribution of modern Rates of Denudation from Sediment Yields throughout the Alps Estimation of carbon storage and release in European lakes – A contribution to the containment of the missing sink in the global carbon cycle Martin Kastowski
Sedimentology, stratigraphy and reservoir quality oft he Paleozoic Wajid Sandstone in SW Saudi ArabiaSedimentology of the Paleozoic Wajid Group in Saudi Arabia Alajmi Hussain Fahad
Palynology of Triassic/Jurassic boundary key sections of the NW Tethyan Realm (Hungary and Slovakia) Katrin Ruckwied
Miocene volcanoclastics MexicoSedimentology, stratigraphy and palynology of the volcaniclastic Tepoztlán Formation (Lower Miocene, Central Mexico): implications for the evolution of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt Nils Lenhardt
Triassic and Jurassic sedimentary sequences in NW China Jianguang Zhang
Global sediment flux by riversSediment load forecasts with GIS – New strategies for global model equations with special consideration of dams and the temporal change Holger Schäuble

Do you want to get involved in research as part of a dissertation? Or do you already have a project and are looking for a suitable supervisor in the subject area of our department? Then don't hesitate and get in touch with us! We would be happy to discuss the options with you.