- Provenance of Quaternary deposits in the Upper Rhine Graben: Insights from detrital garnet geochemistry in the Viernheim drill core
- Analysis of the wastewater management concept of an industrial park and development of an online visualization tool for its optimization
- Temporal and spatial trends of C and O isotopes in loess deposits of South Germany
- Determination and statistical analysis of PAH in soils of the Canary Islands
- Analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in groundwater samples from a tar oil contaminated site – Determination of source areas and degradation potential
- Geochemical and petrophysical logging of the well “Kraichgau 1002” across the Permic Triassic boundary
- Evaluation of methods for the characterization of different groundwater contamination sources in an existing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contamininant plume
- Immobilization of lead in contaminated soils in Matehuala, San Luis Potosi, Mexico to reduce environmental risk
- Modeling the potential of green infrastructure to reduce runoff at the micro-watershed level in Costa Rica
- Provenance of Quaternary deposits in the upper Rhine graben: Insights from detrital garnet geochemistry in the drill core 'Pfungstadt GWM 1.3
- Development of an Interactive WebGIS Platform for the Visualization of a 3D Hydrogeological Model, Bandung Basin, Indonesia
- Sorption isotherms of BTEX compounds on biochars derived from different feedstocks
- High resolution determination of stable isotopes and inorganic parameters in rainfall samples from the darmstadt area
- Determination of Arsenic and Uranium concentrations in Surface and Groundwater system from the Cox`s Bazar area, Bangladesh
- Gadolinium anomalies in river waters influenced by discharge of waste water treatment plants, south Hesse, Germany
- Sinkholes in the Eastern Part of Hessen (Germany) – GIS based mapping and interpretation
- Water Flow and Reactive Nitrate Transport Modeling in the Unsaturated Zone at a reference site in the Hessian Ried
- Development of a low cost and socially accepted in situ solution of an ecological greywater treatment in Flores, Costa Rica
- Sinkhole detection and analysis using GIS and Python – a case study from Eastern Hesse
- Upscaling of Geomechanical properties in layered rock
- Global analysis of the relationship between vegetation and transit times of water in the subsurface using literature date on stable water isotopes
- Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Soils of Samos (Greece) and Iceland
- Hydrochemical investigation of River Lahn and its tributaries to analyse spatial variability of water quality with respect to natural background and anthropogenic impacts
- Sinkholes Detection in the Eastern part of Hessen (Germany), GIS-based mapping and Interpretation
- Analysis of the spatial and temporal distribution of stable isotopes and their driving factors in the Upper Claro River Basin, Colombian Andes
- Isotopic Fractionation During Degradation of Chlorination Byproducts in Water-Laboratory Experiments
- Hydrological Investigation of a Thermal Anomaly on the Groundwater of Tarail Upazila, Kishoreganj, Bangladesh
- Petrophysical analysis of the drill cores TB1 and TB2 in the Rotliegend Group (Lower Langen Formation), Sprendlinger Horst
- Analyse und Bewertung von Abfall- und nebenprodukten der chemischen Industrie – Sustainable Waste Management
- Sorption of Carbamazepine, Ibuprofen & Sulfamethoxazole on soil and isolated biomass in column experiment
- Erstellen eines Konditionierungskonzepts und Durchführung von Vorversuchen zur Auswahl der geeigneten Mittel für einen maschinellen Vortrieb mittels EPB Schildmaschine in Frankfurt
- Landslide Susceptibility Mapping using Statistical Analysis and GIS-Case study: Steinau an der Strasse, Germany
- Erstellen eines Excel-basierten Werkzeugs zur Abschätzung der wahrscheinlichen Sanierungsdauer bei Pump-and-Treat Sanierungen
- Preparation of an Excel-based tool for the estimation of the probable remediation time applying ISCO technologies
- Hydrogeological framework and hydrochemistry of the groundwater in the Wa Municipality, Ghana
- Petrophysical and hydraulical properties of andesitic geothermal reservoir rocks of Los Humeros and Acoculco, Mexico
- Geochemical and isotopic characterics of groundwater in the hard rock terrain of Yanoya Basin in Sri Lanka – implications to occurrence of chronic kidney disease
- Geochemical and stable water isotope characterization of bottled mineral waters for water source evaluation
- Naturally Occurring Radioactivity in Paleozoic Enticho Sandstone Aquifer, Adigrat area, North Ethiopia
- Determination of bicarbonate concentration in water samples based on major ions and electrical conductivity in comparison to bicarbonate titration
- GIS based landslide susceptibility and hazard assesment in Schlüchtern Hesse, Germany
- Determining Geotechnical Properties of Soil amd Rocks by Surface Measurements, Methods and Case Studies
- Biodiversity assessment of an abandoned agricultural land for future biomass production in Poland, using remote sensing derived data and a spatially explicit approach
- Assessment of water management and investigation of water optimization techniques for Toyota European manufacturing plants
- Development of MODFLOW based tools to estimate the required remediation time in ISCO: Modeling the influence of heterogeneity
- Development of a Green Roof / Green Façade model to estimate related energy savings for buildings – Data acquisition at a reference building for model calibration
- Isotope chemistry of calcretes in sediment cores of well WW203302 in the Cubango megafan, Northern Namibia